Last weekend, was trying out this "bring your own lunch box" with some healthy conscious in mind. Thus went to my new found grocery heaven NSK Trade City at Selayang.
Brought 4 chicken breast for about RM24++ which weight about 2kg plus. This was before cleaning up taking out the skin and remove the FAT !
After clean up of skins and fats!
Final outcome! Boiled chicken breast and boiled broccoli.
I was trying to steam but too bad, un-fortune i'm lack of the steam cooking hardware. just managed to boil.
Although i know steam option would be better.
Too bad. Bring your own lunch box, it's only managed to last for 3 days, before the start of Raya.
Today's lunch, eat outside as i'm felt too tired to prepare my lunch box yesterday evening.
Hope i can sustain this habit at least 3 days a week minimum.
Just pray hard!
Must. Do. It.
1 comment:
I got a small lunch box that can do the steaming and cooking in office.. I have been bringing my food to work and cook there... something I feel worth the investment.
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