Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Games @ Kim Yuan's HengTai Team Challenge

First of all, congratulation to my TI (Technical Institute) schoolmate Kim Yuan who got married on Sunday.

Congratulation to Kim Yuan & Xin Pei ... 

Next, its the main topic for this post the challenge !

Below are one of the games played during the HengTai team challenge !

When I 1st saw this, im recalled my friend also done this before but they done it in Kuching Sarawak Culture Village called traditional Golf ! You can see the similarity of both games! haha... 
here's the video im borrowed from Tallboyz: 

We really enjoy the challenges as you can hear our laughing sound! wahahah...

Congratulation to Kim Yuan & Xin Pei again. 


Rebecca Saw said...

OMG! tis game even more creative weiii!

Shannon said...

rolf! ahahah funny but eh, still sharing our video lolx *blush*

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