You are a sports fan and a superstar on hooHA!
hooHA.Asia has been a great journey of learning, stumbling, success and most importantly meeting people.
Meeting people has been the most rewarding for me.
Meeting fellow sports fans and sports celebrities has been the highlight of 2009.
2009 HAS BEEN CHALLENGING for most of us by any standards and amongst all the odds hooHA.Asia was launched.
Not knowing where it might go (apart from what was written down in the business plan),
May became a landmark month to test case Malaysian sports.
For the first time a fully electronic registration and payment system was made available to the running community in Malaysia.
To stretch the imagination even further, a door to door delivery service of race kits was introduced. Another first for the country.
(Thank you Penang Bridge Marathon organizing committee for copying our door to door delivery idea. Because in the true spirit of Asian entreprenuership copying of is a form of flatery).Whilst it was an overwheling success in totality there were some glitches along the way.
I take the oportunity to thank everyone of you who decided to give hooHA.Asia and the people
behind it a go.
Im so surprised to see our Chinese Cari Runners pictures was inside! Spot me if u can find me! haha....... omg... im looks FAT inside...
I also apologize for those who suffered abit of inconvenience using hooHA.Asia.
Thank you for trusting us. I suppose having TWENTY FIRST CENTURY SPORTS backing hooHA.Asia helped.
Why am I reminiscing?
Because I learnt an important lesson "Do something that you are passionate about and give to others without any expectations blesses you with a rewarding life journey."
Another lesson was "meet as many people as possible because you will never know who would play an important role in your life journey."
3630 hooha members to date within 7 months are defining's journey.

Anwar, Mashita, Seren Chan, Hamidah, Zalekha, Fallen Angel, Darren, Raphael, Chee Keong, Jay Menon, Anthony Kong and Jason Dasey to name a few.
When Anwar invited me to his home to shoot a short video for the hooHA.Asia's launch, Seren and Hamidah bought me breakfast at McDonalds, Anthony invited me to his office and Darren asked me to join him for have breakfast, I was touched by the Malaysian hospitality.
Our hospitality is still alive and kickin, Malaysia!
Biased or not, I feel that it takes someone who loves sports to be open and giving like my friends that I have mentioned above.
It takes a sports fan (participating or following) to bond with another human being quickly and openly.
It is at that moment I felt that making you, the sports fan, the focus of our existance is the most important committment hooHa.Asia can make.
Making you, sports fan, the superstar on hooHA! is the right direction in Hooha.Asia's journey.

hooHA! hooHA.Asia launch on 18th Nov 2009
Who would have thought that would be given the honour of launching itself in front of a crowd at a summit.
hooHA! members made the launch during the Innotech Summit at the Berjaya Times Squre Convention centre a great success.
The theme of the launch was "I am a sports fan and a superstar on hooha!"
The launch was so successful that there were many interested parties at the booth wanting to know more about
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