I wanted to post the picture long time ago, only now have the time to upload here.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Google Wave
Im in the latest trend for Google Wave!
i shall feel happy that im joined the trend.
but im alone.
im alone in the Google Wave...
i got no people to share, to add and etc etc...
No sure whether my friend is interested in this kind of thing or not...
No sure whether my friend is free to do so or not...
Argh... i thinks too much...
i thinks what i need is TIME...
Time is needed...
Testing 1...2...3...
i wanted to test something out, which im determine to do it from yesterday, but im failed it on today morning...
So i start a new test again. But the test makes me so worry, so nervous... im keep thinking, thinks, thinks...
sometimes, im hardly can concentrate on my works!
i thought im will be fine by doing the test, but im seems im not ready for the test yet. im so afraid of fail.
A SMS received just now. it just end everything.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Dont know why im so active there...
Perhaps its a place where i can dump all my feel...
Talk non-sense...
Post anything that will makes my stress reduce
Post anything that will makes my pressure reduce
Just posting... post... post... post...
Importantly, my company did not block the twitter. haha
Singapore’s Blade Runner
When im running on the Penang Bridge Run on 22 Nov 2009, as im speed up, i come across this man, who running on his artificial left leg!
Wow, he is in front of me, before im overtake him around 3-4km mark. He is fast! I never thought of i have witness this great man.
Suddenly, his running linked me to Terry Fox which recently we have Terry Fox Run in KL Lake garden!

i came to know he is Singapore's Blade Runner when one of my running mate posted a blog link in his facebook and he got FACEBOOK! without second thought im added him in my facebook!
you can add him by typing:
Singapore Blade Runner
oh, just noticed he got blog too... at : http://www.singaporefirstbladerunner.blogspot.com/
Looking forward to meet him in SCSM soon.
Reverse Double Hill + Mini Wall @ 28 Nov 09
Venue: Bukit Aman Car park, KL
Date: 28 November 2009, Friday
Time: 6.30am
Distance: 10km
Timing: 1hrs 16 minutes
Shoe: Saucony Triumph 5
Countdown 7 days to Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon, my 1st virgin oversea full marathon.
My running need to be slowdown and just limits for the easy / tapering run.
Im ready for it.
Going to achieve Sub 5 for my very 1st marathon...
Double hill @ 26 Nov 09
Venue: Bukit Aman Car park, KL
Date: 26 November 2009, Friday
Time: 5.30am
Distance: 10.3km
Timing: 1hrs 14 minutes
Shoe: Saucony Triumph6
Its been 4 days after the penang bridge run 21km run. im only start to run again on Thursday as no 1 is running until Thursday.
Most of my gang were running full marathon and they were in the recovery and resting.
While im just 21km, nothing much needed for the recovery and rest, just waiting my gang coming back to running.
Its been few months ago when im started to run on weekday. I really motivated by her.
Its now become my routine.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Car One Moment, MPV the Next, Perodua Alza
im so enjoyed reading the comment and the pictures taken by him! without second thought i asked his permission to publish his pictures here! He is know so much about technical staff about this new Alza...
Congras on Perodua, you have do it again! Sure Proton Exora is getting hit worse!
This Perodua Alza mounted with a 109 horsy 1NZ-FE 1498cc DOHC engine as same like the Toyota Vios.

EZI... auto premium... a very standard model for Perodua...

LED light, just like myvi!

Projector headlamp - a trendy move now!

GPS and reverse camera available for Perodua Alza Sporty Edition.

Wow, just like luxury car...

Why my myvi did not have this multi-function audio button 1... =.='''

Perodua Alza 1.5L Standard M/T
Solid – RM55,490
Metallic – RM55,990
S. Metallic – RM56,190
Perodua Alza 1.5L Standard A/T
Solid – RM58,490
Metallic – RM58,990
S. Metallic – RM59,190
Perodua Alza 1.5L Premium M/T
Solid – RM60,490
Metallic – RM60,990
S. Metallic – RM61,190
Perodua Alza 1.5L Premium A/T
Solid – RM63,490
Metallic – RM63,990
S. Metallic – RM64,190
This morning, i heard from radio, Proton Exora is advertise the basic model for RM57,800...
so fast response to Perodua Alza!!!
im still have confident on Perodua!!!
Thanks you Tallboyz again!!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Running when you're tense or angry can cause injury. Here's how to unwind safely.
By Meghan Rabbithttp://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-238-267--13333-0,00.html?cm_mmc=training-_-2009_11_24-_-training-_-TRAINING%3a%204%20Ways%20to%20De-Stress
Countdown to marathons
Soon there will be more countdown to marathons...
22 Nov 09 - Penang Bridge International Marathon
Venue: Queensbay Mall, Penang
Date: 22 November 2009
Time: 3.30am
Distance: 21KM
Timing: 2hrs 18mins (Official time)
Positions: 444th of total 2,833
Shoe: Saucony Triumph 6
By vin_ann
Pre-race day
On Saturday, we were in Taiping having our Dim Sum for breakfast... we tour Taiping lake and photoshooting... its so peaceful.
After that we head to Penang, Queenbays Mall for Bibs collections and vest.
The vest collection process was smooth! basically no people collecting the vest when we were arrived there about 11.15am.
Then we cam-whoring around...
have our lunch in the Queenbays Mall... Taiwan Bull... its a nice restaurant! After that, we were jalan-jalan around Queenbays Mall... which im not really enjoy doing it.
We were heading to Tune Hotel after that which cost RM15 per night per pax for us.
Initially im planned to go for the Penang Road cendol, but after checks into our room, im feel so tired. Have a shower immediately and when im coming down to lobby, others were also heading for makan!
after much discussion, we decided to have makan at the next door, The NEW WORLD PARK which have famous ice kacang! my cendol plan was postponed.
Had mi rebus and ice kacang! feel so full and we back to hotel and rest. i managed to sleep from 5.30pm until 7.30pm then i awake... i can not sleep back and just moving on bed.
we gather at 9.30pm and head to nearby hawker centre. i cant believed myself that im eating that much of food... a fried rice, satay, kuih, and other small dishes.
im was so full... back to hotel its was 11.00pm, im only have about 1.5 hours of sleep before we leaving for PBIM at 12.30am.
Race Day 22-Nov-09
We reached at PBIM car park around 1.00am. we went to meet up with other Cari Runners. But im really lack of sleep... my race only started around 3.30am... i have about 2hour 30mins to sleep in the car...
although im sleep in car, but im not really enjoy the benefits of it.. wasted.
around 2.00am, we were leaving head to starting point. Done some warm up...
Basically im still in the sleeping mood. walking follows people direction...
3.30am, race is started. so much people running and passing through small narrow starting point... i started to run... my target for this 21km was sub 2. My initial starting speed was good! im running at full force.
Passing the roundabout, turning out into highway... im feel OK.. my legs did not gives any sign of pains... my breathing is ok... everything is ok... im waiting my muscles, my body to be heat up so that i can push further...
suddenly, i can feel my stomach is giving some signal... OMG... my body wanted to do "Big Biz". oh shit... my mind keep telling my body its not the right time to do "Big Biz" now. im already ran for 2-3km... and there is not toilet all the way, if got only 1 at the water station! When i have this feel, i slowed down and keep my body not to have the feel of doing "big biz"...
eventually my body listened to my mind... im at least feel better, and i can continue to run... just that i can feel my body is abit too heavy to run... even im slow, i have my consistent speed... at least to have my minimum speed to run finish the 21km! Wow, the 1st water station im actually skipping it and to my surprise, they were giving 1 500ML bottle to every runners and what most of us doing was just have a small sip of water and throw away the whole bottle! What a waste!
when im running up to the bridge, Kelvin (pacemaker) is shouting my name loud from the back! we were able to chit-chat abit before he smoked me! left me alone again!
Once im reach at the beginning of the bridge, i can see a lots of runners pee on the middle divider! im wanted to do so, but i got no pee for me to pee... Grrrrr... no chances to leave a mark on Penang Bridge!
The long stretch of going up bridge did not really toll me, i can comfortable running up and running down i feel no gravity push, im just keep my speed constant...
i have my GU gel at the 10km water station point when we were making U-turn. immediately i can feel the push and energy! my going up the bridge when heading back was a fast 1... Still im not able to push myself. Just maintain a constant speed...
i wish i have someone to pace with... someone that i can target... someone that i can compete with... grr so many wishes...
with the constant speed... even before the finishing point about 1km, im still not able to kick in my turbo... im so lack of turbo...
probably my body is heavy... unable to kick in turbo to fly...
A constant speed to end my 21km half marathon... with 2hrs 18mins...
After crossing the line, im feel so relief... now i can looking high and low for a comfortable toilet to release all my shit trapped in my body! Thank to KH Tan, he lead me to the toilet inside the mall... a lots of shit were released... really a lots...
Worse, i have to drive back to KL... its real tiring, but im do enjoy the driving!
PBIM - A race that i love
Great organiser... the Standard Chartered KL Marathon can pack their baggage收皮!!
Too much of water - im was hydrated all the way!
PBIM - A race that i hate
Stomach problem - Grrr... have to blame myself for so greedy eating so much of nice penang food!
Starting time - 1st time in my running life i start running at 3.30am... im not even got the chances to see sunraise on the Penang Bridge! Even my usual training earliest start at 5.00am!
PBIM, you going to be my annual running events, be it half marathon or full marathon.
Next year, no more driving back to KL on the same day! im need a real rest after the run! specially after i have my favourite penang road cendol!
Monday, November 23, 2009
23 Nov 2009 - On leave
the previous on leave and this on leave i feel the different...
yesterday was running Penang Bridge marathon...
i did not sleep since 12.30am until im back to KL 5.00pm...
Did not sleep for 17 hours and im driving back to KL from Penang...
its really taxed my mental during way back to KL...
my mental, was powered by caffeine and also peanut...
in between, im thinks about other things...
reached at home and i slept for 2 hours to recharge back and after that un-pack my bag...
at night, i feel so awake...
i just sit in front of PC... and watch Forrest Gump...
the whole night watch and keep looking at skype...
sleep at 12.00am.
the next day, i know im ON LEAVE, but im still wake up at 6.30am and im on my PC...
Have my breakfast, thinking of what im going to do for the day...
Im waiting reply from my friend, and im just waiting in front of PC... from 6.30am until 12.30pm... no reply or news and finally the time is over and its time to go out...
Managed to secured my appointment with my car detailer friend for car wash at Kota Damansara... reached at his place around 2.00pm.
He got lunch with his god-father... left me alone waiting for car wash...
after finished washing, i paid the money to his staff and leave...
i got so many questions wanted to ask from him... asking some guide from him...
Hope Dec i have time to chit-chat with him...
After car wash, went to One Utama just wanted to buy The Edge weekly.
walking around 1U... and found a lots of people is shopping on MOnday!
the central stage now were building up some decoration... shd be Christmas theme!
i cant believe i went to 1U just to buy the edge... in between, i got read some sport book...
all about running...
After 1U, my mind were undecided whether go back home or go service my car...
my car service is due this month after 3 months and my mileage can not hit 5,000km...
so 3 months come 1st and i have to service it within this month...
Since i have leave, im just went to service my car...
im really un-expected... the service central got more people than during Saturday!
WTF... i have to waits about 1hr 30mins to get my car done!
5.30pm, i were head back to Setapak from PJ...
Federal is started to jamm...
by 6.15pm, i managed to reach at Setapak...
From 8.30pm until 10.30pm, im waiting for my friend again..
But still no reply or news.
in between, i done my ironing, my washing, and hanging of cloths...
i thinks its time to sleep now.
wow... this friend hardly message me since graduate... now she messaged me.
nothing special... just a quick update of both of us...
and she is leaving msia for Singapore...
another friend leave for SG.
im already have a whole bunch of ex-colleagues currently working in SG...
even my sister is in SG now...
among all my SG working friends, only 2 were back to Malaysia...
sometime, im asking myself... is Malaysia is the place i wanted to work?
shall i explore oversea opportunity?
I guess, im just waiting opportunity...
Perhaps China?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
vin_ann - PBIM 2009
Venue: Queensbay Mall, Penang
Date: 22 November 2009
Time: 3.30am
Distance: 21KM
Shoe: Saucony Triumph 6
By vin_ann
Coming Soon.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Penang Bridge International Marathon (PBIM)
Here im coming...
i will give my best to you...
i will make you be the memorable run...
im going to missing you...
Hope you will do the same to me....
Hope you will make me the memorable run...
See you on bridge 22 Nov 2009, morning, omg... no chance to see sunraise from Bridge!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
no turning back...
just do it...
been asking around people on the poison and now is the best time to get the poison.
Just give myself a chance...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
榮耀一刻 珍貴永留Reward
Monday, November 16, 2009
12th December 2009
but i do have saved his hp number as we exchange phone number during one of the Chinese New Year 1 year or 2 years ago...
he asked me how im doing... this and that...
and finally, i was bombed... a red bomb...
its on 12th December 2009. i was driving, i was waiting at the traffic light, brain did not function well... i not aware that im already registered for my 2nd Putrajaya 12-hour walk which falls on 12th Dec 7.00pm to 13th Dec 09 7.00am!
oh shit, oh omg... how to reject my friend... if im really wanted to go for 12 hour walk!
im previously already rejected my another hometown friend who get marry on 6th December 09 and my close college friend who also got her wedding diner on the same day but at Melaka! 6th December i have no doubt of rejecting as im going to Standard Chartered Singapore marathon!!!
Ai... actually i wanted to go back to hometown to take my roadbike to KL...but i will missed the fun of walking 12 hours! omg, i called it FUN... =.='''
yeah, im going to start cycling... but with extra careful planning under my colleague guide who is cyclist...
Saucony Triumph 7

im recently brought the new shoe Triump 6 on 8th August 2009 which is about 3 months ago, and my Triumph 6 have clocked 325km of running distance!
for another 300km, my Triumph 6 cycle life will be end soon... which is estimated for another 3 months, if im consistent running at this rate.
Yesterday, re-visited my trusted Saucony Seller in KL website and found that he posted SauconyTriumph 7! Anticipated will be available in Msia next year June or July.
Im just have to waits...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Chasing Our Shadow
Today trying the new gears for running for my up coming Penang Bridge Run marathon (half) and Standard Chartered Singapore marathon ( FULL), to test out see whether my body. my stomach can take in the Gel or have negative.
1) Injinji teosock
2) GU Energy Gel
3) Weider Energy Jelly
Event: Bukit Aman - Hartamas 20km route training
Venue: Bukit Aman Car park, KL
Date: 15 November 2009, Friday
Time: 5.30am
Distance: 20km
Timing: 2hrs 7 minutes
Shoe: Saucony Triumph6
my first 10km run was easy and i managed to speed up at the second half of the route.
i had my energy jelly and also at the same time have the GU Gel, ( omg, im must be desperate to try out and im thinks im going to get over-powered) Lucky im just feeling fine.
on way back, i was cooled down during break and abit hard to get back to warm up. Start with slow run back.
We were heading back with normal speed. A comfortable speed, then suddenly i was overtake by "Our Shadow". Zoom...Zoom...Zoom...
Initially i wanted to chase over our shadow, but if im chase our shadow, i have to left my running friend, undecided. just keep my pace. Run up the the 1st half crossing the duta road, i decided to chase over "our shadow".
i thinks the GU Gel and the Weider jelly effect kick-in whenever im required the energy. Im enjoyed the energy kick-in when im required.
i thinks im too late to chase over our shadow, but im still able to see our shadow from far. If i were kick start to chase earlier, i would have able to chase our shadow.
its was a great run to chase our shadow.
i enjoyed the Weider Jelly and i have ordered 1 box ( 6 packs) from my running friend.
i enjoyed the GU gel as well, going to get 6 packs from GNC as i can get 15% discount if get 1 short 6 packs at 1 goal.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Double Hill @ 14 Nov 09
Event: Double Hill route training
Venue: Bukit Aman Car park, KL
Date: 13 November 2009, Friday
Time: 5.30am
Distance: 10.3km
Timing: 1hrs 15 minutes
Shoe: Saucony Triumph6
its been 4 days i did not run since Saturday and Sunday 30km and 20km respective. i feel very un-comfortable and i decided to run on Friday morning. Actually i wanted to run on Thurdays morning, but i was watching drama 福气安康 until 12.00am.
Grrr... why i have un-comfortable feel when im did not run le..... its suffering...
Event: Double Hill route training
Venue: Bukit Aman Car park, KL
Date: 14 November 2009, Saturday
Time: 6.00am
Distance: 10.3km
Timing: 1hrs 6 minutes
Shoe: Saucony Triumph5
Friday, November 13, 2009
Its Friday 13, my lucky day
it's Friday 13 today... is it a lucky day for u or not so lucky one???
its a lucky day for me!
this morning, i have my easy double hill run start 5.30am and completed within 1 hr 15 mins mark.
had shower and back to car, checks my hp, 1 SMS from unknown number.
Opened it and im feel so lucky!
Will i continue to feel lucky? i should have run more often... as from Monday till Thursday im did not run and im feel un-easy and un-comfortable.
Monday, November 09, 2009
sudenlly boss called...
Asking on the status, but im already doing my best...
now is pending with other manager...
my boss being asked by bigger boss...
how my boss answering to bigger boss...
Tomorrow expecting the worst situation...
Burn Out
i thinks im nearly to have burn out, if i were to speed my 20km run yesterday. Lucky i was on so call "slow recovery run" for my 20km... else i would have burn out. But i can feel my muscle tiredness for the first 20 minutes. i guess im already over-run over the weekend. But i still can do it 20km slowly.
"Burn out ,确實要小心,最重要的是不要弄傷身體,若只是Burn out休息足夠還可恢復,最忌訓練中受傷。
Today to Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon is about 26 days 17 hours 55 mins 10 second and the time is continue ticking... tik tok tik tok...
Now, onward should be no more Long Distance Run, perhaps some speed run or maybe next weekend for another 30km run, want to find out how my body feel on the second attempt of 30km run.
Wow, im blogging at 6.07am! =.='''
Its Monday!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
what is happened to me!
definately something happened to me!
Burnt out? just like what others said? train too much mileage until burnt out?
not really feel is the burnt out...
what else... should be something else...
8 Nov 09 @ Hartamas Route
Venue: Bukit Aman Car park, KL
Date: 8 November 2009, Sunday
Time: 5.30am
Distance: 18-19km (took short cut at the end)
Timing: 2hrs 8 minutes
Shoe: Saucony Triumph6
wow, i cant believed im doing it.
today im doing 20km Hartamas route.
This time, i did not bring any water with me and yet im sweat damm lots more compared to normal running. im do not know why, i thinks it related to yesterday run of 30km.
7 Nov 09 @ 30km run
Venue: Bukit Aman Car park, KL
Date: 7 November 2009
Time: 5.00am
Distance: 30km
Timing: 3hrs 35 minutes
Shoe: Saucony Triumph6
my 1st ever 30km running training...
i thinks i can do well if i were not running on Friday.
im happy that im able to complete 30km without any problems!
just i need more water!
Our route for the 30km were:
Bukit Aman - Hartmas Petronas - 10km
Hartamas - IRB loop - Hartmas - 10km
Hartmas - Bukit Aman - 10km
Back to Back and to Back
it was un-intentionally planned run...
i cant imagine that im have went through it.
Wed - 10km
Friday - 10km
Sat - 30km
Sun - 20km
This morning, is our 3rd time of running in the same route (same starting point and until 5km) and my running mate is complaining its abit of boring running on the same route.
but what to do, this route is considered as the most suitable route for running.
lots of runners,
less / no traffic,
i thinks its a good place to run!
Tian Hou Gong Temple 天后宫
if my memory served me well, the last time i visited 天后宫 was before or during Chinese New Year early of the year.
i was praying, seeking some peace of mind for my career.
Today, it was a really hot day! i reached there about 4.30pm and the sun is burning!
when i walked to the entrance, i was behind a group of uncle who speaking ENGLISH... im trying to ignore them, but 1 of them speak so loud that i was forcing to listen to his conversation!
"Wah... Got ISO certification 1 le.... 90001, temple also got ISO 1 le..." i was like huh, something wrong? then as we climb up the stairs, im really dont want to listen to his critics and i overtake them! the last sentence i heard from him is "dam tiring have to climb up, what a poor temple!"
im really dissappointed with that uncle! see 1 thing critics 1 thing...
please dont visit any temple!
Friday, November 06, 2009
6 Nov 09 @ Double Hill Route
Venue: Bukit Aman Car park, KL
Date: 6 November 2009
Time: 5.30am (start late)
Distance: 10.3km
Timing: 1hrs 00 minutes (my PB)
Shoe: Saucony Triumph6
Yeah... Another PB with her (58mins)...
6 Nov 09
its come and its happened...
Life will be never the same again...
Movie will be never be the same again...
Brunch will be never the same again...
Diner will be never the same again...
Running will be never the same again...
SMS will be never the same again...
Things change and there will be new thing come...
All i can do now, is running, run... run... run...
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Unusual heartbeat
i can feel my heartbeat is pumping extra...
today is 2 Nov 2009 and i need to rushing for closing for 3 Nov 2009 before 5.30pm.
today, whole day, im been doing my works slowing (afraid of thinking wrong thing) to make sure im doing the right thing.
Boss 1 is chasing...
Boss 2 is been chased...
Boss 3 is asking...
im following up...
im chasing for numbers but systems slow or breakdown...
im running around for some administrative works...
im been chasing by others for status...
1 leg kick...
now is 1 leg kick 2 things...
SMS in and out...
SMS i sent
SMS i received
SMS received is relief
SMS received is painful
SMS received is false alarm
im hoping
im waiting
Monday, November 02, 2009
1st November 09 @ Hartamas Route - PB
Venue: Bukit Aman Car park, KL
Date: 1 November 2009
Time: 5.30am
Distance: 20km
Timing: 2hrs 3 minutes (my PB)
Shoe: Saucony Triumph6
Busy busy busy with works...
will blog when free...
因为无意 却难忘记
寂寞啊 变成了主题
回忆总太拥挤 而我的爱情
Sunday, November 01, 2009
its been a while i did not follow on namewee blog!
its active back! im enjoyed watching the video!
we need more namewee...
we need more namewee in every town!
we need more namewee in every city!
we need 1 namewee in the country!
饒舌版 沒有菸抽的日子 黃明志
不罵粗話-黃明志 (獻給衛道人士)
釜山影展黃明志搞什麼? PIFF WTF? (eng sub) Part1
釜山影展黃明志搞什麼? PIFF WTF? (eng sub) Part2
Credit card tax to stay
Bye bye my friend!
im going to cancel it tomorrow, if i got time to go down to Maybank branch to cancel it...
Source: The Star
KUALA LUMPUR: There are no immediate plans to revise the RM50 annual service tax on credit and charge cards, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Despite public complaints, Najib said it was too soon to talk about a revision as the matter was just recently announced in the 2010 Budget.
“Tunggulah dulu (We wait first). The Government also needs revenue. If we can’t hike up (the price of) anything, susah kita (it would be hard for us).
“Who is going to fund the nation’s development?”
He was speaking to reporters at a press conference after attending Tenaga Nasional Berhad’s 60th anniversary celebration at the TNB Sports Complex here yesterday.
wah lau, still dare to speak at TNB ar? he must be have not watched the video clip namewee "tiu" the TNB le...
Najib announced the proposal to impose a service tax of RM50 for each main credit and charge card, and RM25 on supplementary cards in his 2010 Budget.
If implemented, financial analysts predicted that at least 30% of the holders of 11 million cards in circulation who have more than one card will have to pay RM100 every year.
Najib had earlier pointed out that the public should look at the overall benefits offered by the Government in the Budget, including an additional RM1,000 tax relief and a reduction at the top of the taxable income tier from 27% to 26%.
“So they get two (relief measures) and only have to pay RM50 (per credit card). Don’t tell me they cannot pay RM50?’’ he said.
Shit la, if i were tax at tax bracket of 27%, i would not mind paying the RM50 tax, but the fact is how many of us are paying 27% tax bracket?
It was reported in The Star yesterday that applications for new credit cards dropped by 80% following the Government’s an-nouncement of the service tax starting next year.
我做這件事情的目的, 是為了要告訴無能的能源局
我們是顧客, 為什麼要忍氣吞聲???
Wondering, what a video clip like this will have impact on the TNB...
and also the remaining of other areas...