Friday, October 30, 2009
Double Hill @ 30 Oct 09
Venue: Bukit Aman Car park, KL
Date: 30 October 2009
Time: 5.30am
Distance: 11km
Timing: 67 minutes
Shoe: Saucony Triumph6
i have done it again! its 1hr 7 mins...
another personal best...
today, 1 of my running partner also have her personal best 1hr 1min. She pace with another fast runner.
in the between, my breath is broken... and ended i walks for few steps and then continue to run again! i need to improve on my breathing... or my stamina!
I think I maybe
fallin' for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should
keep this to myself
Waiting 'til I..
know you better
I am trying..
Not to tell you..
But I want to..
I'm scared of what you'll say
So I'm hiding..
what I'm feeeling..
But I'm tired of
Holding this inside my head
I've been spending all my..time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my.. life
and now i found ya
I dont know what to do
I think I'm falling for you...
I'm falling for you...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Double hill + mini wall
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Philips Energy Saving Light
Double Hill @ 27 Oct 09
Venue: Bukit Aman Car park, KL
Date: 27 October 2009
Time: 5.30am
Distance: 11km
Timing: 70 minutes
Shoe: Saucony Triumph6
Monday we ran, and Tuesday we ran again!
Wednesday rest...
Thursday, we running again!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Double Hill @ 26 Oct 09
Venue: Bukit Aman Car park, KL
Date: 26 October 2009
Time: 5.30am
Distance: 11km
Timing: 70 minutes
Shoe: Saucony Triumph5
yesterday was Mizuno Wave run 2009 which run only 10km.
today, my running partner suggested to run double hill... we all were in...
4 of us start 5.30am.
today, its been long time my leg did not pain... this time the pain is attacking my legs... i have to run slow while warming up my muscle...
slow on uphill and downhill... 10 minutes, 20minutes and the pain is slowly gone...
when come to the bukit tunku hill, i run smaller steps n slow... keeping the slow pace...
all my running mate were far in front of me, i cant see their back, just smell their smoke...
at 1 point, im were too tired and i walks for few steps and my legs pain, but have to keep running and while i managed to climb the hill, its all about downhill, im just relax and run without stopping and slow down... from that movement, i start to run in faster pace, and i use my "imagery target" mode. it's works, when i come out from small road into highway, i saw my running mate not far from me! i can see them! im switch my "imagery target' mode to the real target...
but its worse, my target run even faster, im change my mood to "pia". im keep thinking of "pia" and refresh how tough i sprint for the uphill training, im comparing my 'pia" that time with now is nothing, im not yet push myself to the limit, i still can do it, i still can run it...
with feeling brain wash my mind, i managed to keep my pace and continue to run, else last time i should have walking...
Run... Run... Run...
Finally managed to finished in 1hr 10mins...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Mizuno Wave Run 2009
Venue: Stadium UPM, Selangor
Date: 25 October 2009
Time: 7.30am
Distance: 11km
Timing: 70 minutes
Shoe: Saucony Triumph 6
By vin_ann
i wake up around 4.30am and have 2 slide of bread and come out to fetch my friend around 5.15am.
Reached at friend house around 5.30am and we off to UPM Serdang Selangor using Plus highway.
we were reached there around 6.00am and i take the main entrance route, take wrong exit, else should have able to reach Stadium directly. i was taking the yesterday route and need to turn left and right... i notice got quite a lots of people / car were parked at side road, asking for direction how to get to Stadium UPM...
when we reached the stadium, its already have a lots of car parked at the side road, lucky my car was not too far from Stadium entrance.
Walking around the stadium, do some warm up... and also go try the free sample for sport drinks at GNC counter and also power bar.
***** wrote since yesterday, but unable to finish it, continue now *****
Mizuno Wave really wave... give the size of the stadium with about 4,000 people, its quite pack.
around 7.30am, siren was hon! people were start walking for the back while front people were running...
im tried to run and its took a lots more energy to brace though the human traffic jammm...
nothing much i can do, just run slow...
run... 1st was the downhill, since its downhill, im sprint from the side, on the grass but also need to be extreme careful as scare of uneven surface might twist my legs...
1 hill is over, uphill, im like the scenery where we were running beside the ERL lane... the ERL come quite passing us... its so nice...
another hill come and another hill... hill by hill... i cant go fast and also i got no 1 to target with or pace with... suddenly i thinks of i can have my own imagery target who were running front not far from me, im just need to increase my speed bit by bit to chase up my "imagery target"...
its works for a while for me and im almost want to stop when have another high hill, and out of sudden there was an white hair uncle whose speed is constant and slow going up hill... without second thought, i pace with him... yeah... we overtook many people while going up hill...
after uphill, its downhill, im just sprint and i left the uncle far behind... i continue to run and turn into the garden back to our original route but reverse direction back to stadium...
im trying to set my 'imagery target' back in mind and continue to run faster but im just cant run faster... from far, saw another uphill in front of me, im just feel flat... but im try not to walk...
"imagery target" not working for the movement and im follow my heart and run on my own pace... uphill, im slow yet im still able to overtake people... feel happy in heart...
on the final uphill, its so tough, i run up to 90% and give myself 2 minutes of walking rest and after that i sprint for the finishing line...
i managed to cross the line at 70mins... yeah...
Saturday, October 24, 2009
my colleague brought 8... 4 chicken 4 mutton...
during tea break, my colleague cant finish it, and give me half karipap, which is quite big and its taste good!
1 karipap cost RM1.50
龟苓膏 @ Imbi

i never have tasted so nice Gui Ling Gao before. All previously im brought those in canned Gui Ling Gao.
This 1 is more "tasty" with bitter taste! im loving it...
its cup like this cost RM5.50, dont know expensive or not, but the price is deserve given the good taste and the nicely done.
Pisang Goreong @ Tmn Melawati
without second thought, i drive to there for them to checking. lucky, its just a short screw!
When im back, i saw the big banana were hang at the tent and without second thought i know i will stopby there to buy the pisang goreng. the stall quite a lots of people buying... as i brought once before way back my motor era...
The stall is located at the Opposite Pizza Hut Taman Melawati.
Motorcar @ Carrefour
omg... this car is parked at the designated walking lane @ Wangsa Maju Carrefour...
shame on you!
i can see that the C4 workers who pushing the troli back to main entrance is cursing in their heart... !@#$%^&*()_+~
Credit Card
mostly when budget is concern, mostly hardly got effect / impact on me, the ordinary working guy...
but this round, the budget is hitting to people like me working class, who have at least 2 credit cards in hand.
Govt proposed to charge RM50 service for principle card and RM25 for supplementary card.
oh shit, money, money. money
people is worrying about the charges.
it's time to Potong...
24 Oct 09
Venue: Bukit Aman carpark, Kuala Lumpur
Date: 24 October 2009
Time: 7.30am
Distance: 6km
Shoe: Saucony Triumph 5
its been long time, quite long long time i did not run at 7.30am with Runners Malaysia program which is my stepping stone for my running.
this morning i wake up around 5.20am, omg... im used to wake up so early nowadays! on my PC while waiting time to pass. Initially i intended to blog about my personal best entry, but i saw my US friend was online and i finally got chance to chat with him and ask him something.
Chat until 7.00am then im only left for Bukit Aman Car Park.
The last time, when im doing the full route 6km with Planetanium Negara was my 1st time running on last year Aug 08. since then, im never go up hill to round Planetanium.
This morning easy run, im feel good on it. i can run full route without any problems.
im just enjoy the route!
Mr Wan said im now at the stage of running fever! its true, if i did not run for 1 week, i feel un-comfortable. i need to run / jog at least once or minimum total mileage 10km per week.
The location is at UPM.
The starting point is at Stadium UPM.
im already got my Mizuno vest, just now went to UPM wanted to know the venue of run for tomorrow morning.
i left house around 2.15pm. traffic from Jalan Tun Razak starting from American ambassador were already slowing moving, and it continue all the way until the air force sg besi airport! WTF...
im quickly take exit and using Besaraya highway to Serdang. Lucky no jam. im just following sign-broad and im come to the main entrance of UPM - Pintu 1. i asked the guard where is the Stadium UPM, and he politely reply me and show me the direction.
i make a U-turn and follow the direction by the guard. im trying to see the directory broad on the UPM signbroad and i cant find any Stadium UPM.
then even the Pacesetter signbroad also mis-leading, i thinks its suppose for the tomorrow race direction! i round and round the UPM and im hardly can find the words Stadium UPM!
WTF... WTH... i was so amazed when im 1st entering into UPM... it so big! yet let me down to the earth! Really feel disappointed for UPM...
Lucky i got nothing better to do and i go survey for my mizuno run starting and finishing point!
Grrrrrrrr, i should have done my google map homework before heading to these kind of places!
Screw d UPM signbroad directory!
Personal Best - Double Hill
17 Oct was my 1st DH since my previous weekday morning run 1-2 months ago.
followed by 20 Oct second DH and on 22 Oct.
im so glad that i able to achieved my personal best for double hill at 1 hr 8 mins. the fast runners always fast and im consider myself as slow runner.
For the 1st 20 minutes, im still able to follow their pace and soon after turning point going uphill at 5km mark, their speed become faster...
i set my mind try to run and not to walk.. and then chase them...
lucky 1 of my friend is not far from me, i still have him in my sighting, then i thought of my Borneo marathon experience, im targeting and telling myself, im going to overtake him...
with this in mind, i slowly increase my speed and breath more deeper! yeah, im closer to him for every minutes as my speed auto increase...
i was getting closer to him in the last 1km (i thinks), and i managed to overtake him at the last 500meters and i managed to reach at the traffic light at 1 hr 8 mins. 4 minutes faster than on 20 Oct last training...
Thank you my running gang, doris, jo, ah ming and david...
Friday, October 23, 2009
4th Week October 2009
Venue: Bukit Aman carpark, Kuala Lumpur
Date: 20 October 2009
Time: 5.30am
Distance: 10km
Shoe: Saucony Triumph 5
Timing: 1hr 12mins
Event: Double Hill route training
Venue: Bukit Aman carpark, Kuala Lumpur
Date: 22 October 2009
Time: 5.30am
Distance: 10km
Shoe: Saucony Triumph 6
Timing: 1hr 08min
i cant believed myself that i have done it.
i was running during weekday! previously it was mission impossible to run during weekday!
i normally sleep around 12.00am and wake up just in time around 7.30am and then go to works.
im really cant believed myself that i have done it again!
i just hope im able to keep my momentum on this.
something is driving me to wake up at 4.30am morning and run at 5.30am with my running gang!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
84km Ultra Marathon
84km Ultra marathon @ Sundown Singapore...
Kennysia register a full marathon with zero training... while i thinks i can do a 84km with current training...
but still i thinks its too fast for me. my 1st ever full marathon 42.195km is on 6 December 2009 Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon and Sundown marathon is on May 2010.
Perhaps i shall target Sundown Full marathon 2010 first and 2011 target for the 84km Ultra marathon...
in 2011, im targeting Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marahon which always held on the February. For 2010, my running mate are going to SCHK which will be held on 28 Feb 2010, the chap goh meh... They brought the return ticket just cost around RM400++...
18 Oct 09
The whether is moody, its raining when im wake up around 4.20am...
Its raining...
i feel its what i want, because im slept at 11.45pm and im feel tiring...
but yet, i feel i lost the opportunity to run...
sent sms to friend telling her im not going...
then continue to sleep until 7.30am...
the rain is stopped. wake up and do nothing... but my heart tell me to go to Bukit Aman for the Pacesetter breakfast open house for Raya and Deepavali...
its wet on the road... and im still in sleeping mood... just a slow drive than usual speed...
when im about to turn into jln Parlimen from Lebuh Mahameru, i saw a viva suddenly makes a U-turn and then crash to the side... (a T-bone crash when im back saw the car, with slightly better than the link in T-bone crash) Wow... this is scary! Not sure what the reasons, whether are lost control or like my friend said drunk people driving.... he said got 1 times, about 5.30am when they start to run, they saw few people were vomiting at the side road...
reach at the bukit aman car park, there were a lots of people gathering around... enjoying the food...
Taylor Tan and his friend were there... they should be just finished running...
other than them, only saw Eugene and Kelvin... others not familiar.... stay there for a while then back home...
Today will be resting day...
Happy Deepavali
1 day late, should be ok... anyways, just now passing my Wangsa Maju Carrefour and saw there is open house for Deepavali which organised by MP Wangsa Maju!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
20km Hartamas @ 17 Oct 2009
Venue: Bukit Aman carpark, Kuala Lumpur
Date: 17 October 2009
Time: 5.30am
Distance: 20km
Shoe: Saucony Triumph 6
By vin_ann
Borrowed the above format from my running friend Frank. i thinks need to start to learn to write on the run report! im enjoy the run, and would like to share my enjoyment with others.
Last night, around 10.00pm drank milo kosong kaw kaw plus 4 slides of wholemeal bread...
this morning 4.15am wake up, drink nescafe 3 in 1 plus 2 slide of wholemeal bread...
like normal, our training, start on time, friends reach early too.
Leg muscle condition are ok, just that have some minor pain when going up bukit tunku hill and it subsequently disappear slowly.
The whether is just nice. there were 8 of us, and for starting im were the last, run slower while waiting my body to get warming up before can run faster.
***********omg... i wrote this since yesterday morning and im not yet finish writing*******
i done pretty well for this run, managed to reach Petronas in 1 hr 5 mins, without taking the petronas loop.
while going back, im trying hard to maintain my speed and finally i finished in 2hr 15 mins...
pretty satisfy with the timing...
Back at Bukit Aman Car park, 1st thing was to refill. for this run, i did not bring any water with me, just a 350ml water refill @ Petronas station... which i did not finished all...
After that, i went to find CChoi to get my body Gilde. Suddenly he shouted at me: Eh, your nipple is bleeding! i was like Huh? how come? its impossible. Then i looks down my shirt and found there were blood stain on it...
WTF, WTH... Shit... How could this thing happened to me! i normally saw this happened to others people and its finally happened to me!
i thinks the great factor is contributed by the Mizuno Wave Vest 2009 which my friend helped me to collect last weekend for the coming weekend run @ UPM...
Friday, October 16, 2009
An Unexpected Personal Best Achievement!
Again, i have another great story on running to share with others...
She is my running mate, since im started to run 10km, and subsequent 20km, im always with her and others. Congratulation to her. i wish my 1st ever Standard Chartered Singapore full marathon 42.195km can achieve timing below 5hr 30minutes.
Here are my friend story!
An Unexpected Personal Best Achievement!
Race: Borneo International Marathon
Date: 11th October 2009 Sunday, 4am
Venue: Likas Stadium, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Category: Full Marathon
Distance: 42.195km
Why this race:
1. Very flat, nice and scenic course
2. Ample supply of water and isotonic drinks along the course
3. Friendly and supportive volunteers, including the police!
I indulged into binging again after KL Marthon. The weight gain had scared me away from training, I even skipped Adidas King of the Road in early August because I had no confidence at all to run the 20km+ distance.
Fortunately I pulled myself back to track in September, started to watch the diet again and slowly get back into training. However, there was only about a month to go, even though I had logged the highest mileage in September (217.7km), I only attempted once to run 25K but walked mostly the last 5K. So I had very low expectation in this race: run 20km + walk 20km, and finishing it within the official cut off time of 7 hours, I would be more than happy.
I reached KK on Thursday with a group of running friends. Thanks to a local running friend, we had a wonderful time doing sight-seeings around KK, I must say Sabah is really a gifted place with lots of natural attractions! This was my second visit to Sabah within the same year but there were still plenty of places that I had not visited yet.
The race started at 4am to avoid the hot sun, because the time zone of East Malaysia has been synchronized with the time zone of Peninsula Malaysia. The sky usually turns very bright at 6am in KK, and the 8am sun in KK is like 10am in KL. I had good rest the night before as I went to bed at 7pm :)
The organizer was caring by providing shuttle bus service to the stadium. I saw so many familiar faces around, a lot of runners from KL flew to KK to support this event. Had a piece of PowerBar Performance which is my usual pre-race food for longer distance races. When I rushed to the toilet to release the last drop, suddenly I discovered I was wearing an old pant with holes at the inner thighs. I had no choice anymore and I believed this was one of the reasons I had run faster later with the hope of reducing the opportunity of embarrassment... LOL
I did well by starting slowly and not being influenced by other runners. My pace was controlled and the breath was very comfortable. When I spot the first distance marker at 7km, I was shocked to learn that it was only 46min+, in another words I was doing less than 7min per km! On the other hand, I did not feel huffing puffing too much and still had a lot of energies! I slowed down slightly but still doing quite well with merely 1:06+ at 10km. I guessed this was the first time I could maintain less than 7min per km for 10km without being breathless! I really wanted to thank the running buddies, who accompanied me running numerous times of double hills in early weekday mornings before going to work, we were crazy people!
The Borneo Marathon was a cozy event with small number of runners (about 200+ full marathon participants), it was comfortable and I did not feel the stuffiness like in Singapore Marathon. One side of the road was entirely blocked for the runners, I felt like I was really the king of the road when running alone in the middle of the road! In addition, big kudos to the friendly and supportive volunteers, their face was always hung with sincere smile and they were not stingy in giving inspirational cheers to fellow runners.
I kept running and running, and soon I reached 18km mark and consumed a pack of PowerBar Gel. The elapsed time was 2:22+ when I reached 21km, which was already my personal best for the half marathon distance! I was surprised I was still able to keep running although I had slow down very much. I especially like the scenic sea coast view along 19km to 24km. When returning to Likas Stadium to start exploring the other side of the route, the 10K and half marathon runners were running the opposite direction to return back to the stadium. Here I greeted many friends and of course I must appear strong in front of them and keep running :)
Took a banana at 28km. Yes, I was still "running" at this point. I only started walking at 32km, was very proud of this achievement. But I didn't walk too long each time. Usually I would picked up running again after a few minutes of walking. I believed I walked less than 3km for the entire course, I had run 39km+! What a record!
The weather was getting hotter, I started to pour water to my head whenever possible. At 38km, I was craving for my favorite drink: Ribena. I went to a nearby petrol station, but this station was very small and did not sell Ribena, so I settled to a can of my second favorite drink: Milo. Only 4k to go, I kept running with couple of short walking breaks. At ~40Km, I felt like walking again, but the KL runners who were stuck in the traffic jam on the other side of the road cheered me very loudly... NO, I could not walk now, I must run, run towards the finishing line!
Finally I reached the stadium but still half lap to go (200m?) on the track, this was really a mental torture, so near and yet so far... LOL. My running buddy was waiting to snap my finishing photo, and yes, I did it! My watch recorded 5:15:24, while the official result was 5:15:35. Who cares the 11 seconds difference, I had made a remarkable personal best record! Previosly I did 5:53 in Singapore Marathon and 5:58 in KL Marathon, I had improved by more than 35min!
I love this race so much, I hardly find anything bad to say about this event and organizer. The only things that I could "complain" are: 1. even though the medal is larger than last year, but it is still the smallest compare to other major events, and it is not indicated it is a finisher medal for 42km, every category gets the same medal; 2. no finisher-T for me to boast and show-off :P
You see, I really enjoyed the run!
been busy...
checking mail when back at home...
took my shock to washing machine and wash...
have diner...
watch 8tv news...
watch 8tv drama for awhile...
sms friends...
call friend...
Carrefour shopping, a quick 1, back at home in 1 hour...
waiting time to come...
then NBTD...
reading my friend blog...
Found out her blog entries "competition" and further reading...
saw her competitor blog link...
now i know why my friend TC blog were so short nowadays...
15 minutes before going to sleep... and will be wake up at 4.30am...
sleep for 5 hours...
tomorrow 5.30am running for 20km Hartamas route...
My running mate is getting passion on running...
one of them, Doris were just scored her PB (personal best) in Borneo Marathon.
She run faster than me!!! im dont know where to hide my face!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Double Hill @15 Oct 09
my radio alarm ring at 4.20am...
subsequent that, my friend miss call at 4.25am to wake up me!
i can remember clearly, this is my second time wake up so early during weekday for running.
last time, we only run about 7km. this round, we ran double hill 10km without any short cut.
i found that, to enable me go to works after run, i have to bring extra things.
my formal cloths and pant, leather shoe, and hair gel too...
5.30am we start to run double hill from bukit aman car park.
im quite enjoy the run, my legs, my calf muscle did not give me any pain, but still my right leg shin still giving me pain! its slowed me down and i cant catch up with my friends...
they were fast...
during up hill, im enjoyed this the most... i can feel myself i got extra energy to run faster during uphill... i use all my energy for uphill and when it come to downhill, i relax and just run slowly downhill, that's where im was overtake by friends... =.=''
5.30am start and i ended my run around 6.44am...
i took a rest, drinks lots of water... and prepare for shower at the public toilet which only cost 50 cents.
around 7.15am im done, and im head to office @ Jln Raja Laut.
i found myself reached at office around 7.30am... its too early and im hungry!
so i decided to walk to morning market nearby my office. Wow, i found that there quites a lots of people eating and buying food.
i find a seat and ordered Wan Tan Mee Big! im enjoyed my full breakfast!
i remembeer, when was my 1st time running in the morning, i feel fresh whole day in the office, but today im feel abit tiring. im so afraid im will makes mistake in my works!
my friends are running tomolo morning 5.30am again same route or reserve route. i thinks i need to give myself a rest for tomorrow as have something important thing to sort out and wanted to focus on it!
anyways, i will go for Sat n Sun... my friends are planning 20km on Sat and Sun might be 20km too!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
2009 Borneo marathon-40th marathon reflection 40馬的省思
i was so touch by the story that happened during Borneo Marathon, and admire Tey's passion of running and also what he contribute to the running community.
PRICELESS running race photo, he is sharing for free to the running community!
Wondering, how long it took for me to achieve 10th marathon. my 1st ever full marathon is coming on this December 2009!
原本打算好好享受難得的一場全馬賽,但是畢竟”攝”癮難忍又難戒,在快到碼頭處就拿出D40拍照(約有25公里),想想,獨 樂樂不如眾樂樂,而且今次也有不少好友參加,所以不想錯過,況且加上回程雙向路,以及自己左膝舊傷竟然有點痛,不敢太拼,停停拍拍過程下,拍了逾千張。
當 然,有捨才有得,捨就是不介意完跑時間,得就是拍到一般在大都市馬拉松所不能看到情景,特別是不少當地人的參與,深深感動,有些只穿”甘榜阿迪達斯”配籃 球褲,顯示他們對跑步的執著和熱誠,我想大都市的跑友會替自己感恩,條件比人好的情況下,我們又怎能常常找藉口偷懶不練呢?
結交一些新朋 友,當中包括一位華裔57歲和一位40歲的當地土著婦人,兩人都是一起練,57歲的"安哥"扮演教練兼跑友的角色,但最令我感動的是這一次比賽都是兩人 的”處女馬”,我想57歲的安哥,若欠一點對跑步的熱忱,全馬距離畢竟不是短程,而那位40歲女跑友,也好佩服她的勇氣,因為要鼓勵40歲的女人去參加馬 拉松,可是一項艱巨的任務。所以,替他們拍下比賽途中和完跑照片,讓他們留下美好的初馬甜蜜回憶,希望能鼓勵他們繼續跑下去。
最令我感動 的是一位認識的媽媽級女巫裔跑友,到了28公里處就很想放棄,當我走向她鼓勵她時,她兩行眼淚竟然控制不住,讓我一下子亂了手腳,只有安慰她,鼓勵她,替 她打氣,暫時借出我的肩膀,哭過後,依然好想放棄,一直叮嚀她不要放棄,由於我在週末訓練時常遇到她與老公跑,所以知道她有能力,只是可能意志力比較弱一 點。
今 次對比賽的期望原本並不是很高,不過主辦當局很用心,賽前一晚的晚餐竟然是免費,加上安排免費交通來回市區酒店和體育館,比賽水站非常充足,志願工作者的 友善和站在路中間協助指揮交通,香蕉充足,31公里至32公里有Powergel,4點開跑避開熱天氣,加上海岸路線較平坦,這是一場值得參加的全馬賽 事,因為有不少跑友在這裡意外跑出個人最佳,內心的高興並非筆墨所能形容的。
Sometime it happen in the race,whatever happen is not what we want,but I decide to take out my D40+55-200mm lens from my pouch at around 25km ,before reach KK jetty.I knew that my finishing time will not as I expected but what I want to is to make more runners happy with the race photos,use it to encourage them keep continue running.
From my first ever marathon till 2nd full marathon,it is between 6 years,because I have no many running friends and didn't join in real running community like a running group,so ,I hope all the participants can keep running with all this race photos,join with running friends.
Another reason I decide earlier toke out my D40 is worry my left knee old injury,so long didn't feel pain,so after I felt little pain,decide take it easy,don't want to push over for my limit,cause I need to take part in less 2 weeks time for Kinabalu climbathon,although it is look impossible job for me,just give it a try as final attempt,cause from next year will not have veteran category.
I found few touching stories in this small Borneo marathon race,one is a Malay women runner ,also my good friend,almost give up at around 28km entrance of Sutera Harbour,lucky I manage to encourage her ,then follow by Mohan from Singapore who doing his 73th marathon race,accompany her,and later I ask her husband who I met later,told him his wife condition,lucky this 3 runners group can completed the marathon around 6hrs15mins,that is so important for a runner who weak in mental n almost give up,crying infront of me,I must said she didn't give up at last,show to other runners she still can do it.I told her,never said give up,once DNF..there will be next time...except for injury problem lah.If only mental weak..there is always got way to overcame it.
Another touching story is I met new friends from KK,one chiense 57 years old veteran uncle,with his running partner ,a local women 40 years old,both of them first attempt in marathon race,cinya salute their spirit and passion in marathon,I don't think many ppls can run first marathon at 57 or women age at 40 yrs old.So I feel it is important let them have sweet memory foto for their maiden marathon,encourage them keep running with my race photos.
N I manage to snap some couples running partners in the race,no matter what event they join,either full,half or 10k,it is not easy to find another life partner can run in same race or keep running in the future.
I also manage to snap AirAsia X CEO pia finishing photos,it is not easy to find a company who kindly sponsor the running event and their CEO also join marathon,so...I am sure they will keep running in marathon after see their real pia photos although they more busy compare to us.
Oh ya..I also manage snap pics for Kenny Sia..haha...because of running ,he lost weight,now look more lengchai liao..hehe
The organiser did a good job for this race,either in water station,banana,volunteers,traffic,distance markers,foc carbo dinner and arrange transport for carbo dinner and also race day,the only thing they need to imporve is must provide few mobil toilet along the race route,plus enough cups for last few water station,cause this time the last water station run out of cups,but still have 100 PLUS n water,use bottle to drink..hehe
I don't think I can fullfill my 100 full marathon dream or not,but I can run my 40th marathon race,must appreciate my colleagues to make arrangement for my leaves,maybe I can't join 2 races during December,but I will keep conitnue running according to my working time and condition,just pray can achieve one time sub 4 in the marathon race..haha.
I do feel happy when runners view their race pictures,their happy also my happy,this is can't use money to buy it,just keep running and encourage friends around us ya..cheers !!!!
Below is my 40 marathon detail results.
Full and Ultra Marathon
(1)30.10.94 Kuala Lumpur 5:00:02
(2)25.6.00 Penang Bridge 5:37:49
(3)4.3.01 Kuala Lumpur 5:32:54
(4)3.6.01 Penang Bridge 5:18:23
(5)2.12.01 Singapore 4:49:23
(6)24.2.02 Hong Kong 4:54:10
(7)25.8.02 Songkhla 5:19:56
(8)8.12.02 Singapore 4:43:47
(9)16.2.03 Kuala Lumpur 4:37:39
(10)8.6.03 Penang Bridge 4:25:37
(11)28.8.2003 Songkhla 5:05:03
(12)29.2.04 Kuala Lumpur 5:03:11
(13)4.3.04 1st Kedah 12hours 84km
(14)28.11.04 Bangkok 4:51:59
(15)5.12.04 Singapore 5:15:53
(16)12.12.04 Tseng Wen 4:58:31
(17)19.12.04 ING Taipei 4:13:19
(18)6.3.05 Kuala Lumpur 4:39:59
(19)20.3.05 2nd Kedah 12hours 91km
(20)17.7.05 Melaka 4:21:53
(21)28.8.05 Songkhla 4:08:16
(22)23.10.05 Phuket 5:43:03
(23)5.3.06 Kuala Lumpur 4:28:40
(24)28.5.06 Hatyai 60k 7:05:38
(25)30.7.06 Penang 5:20:13
(26)27.8.06 Songkhla 5:26:46
(27)10.9.06 Putrajaya 5:29:31
(28)31.12.06 MR25 ultra 52.5km 9:45
(--)18.3.07 Kuala Lumpur 6:03:40
(29)24.6.07 Penang 5:46:59
(30)2.12.07 Singapore 5:44:42
(31)30.12.07 MR25 ultra 52.5km 9:56
(32)30.3.08 KLIM 5:20:25
(33)31.5.08 Sundown 84k ultra marathon 13:36:14
(34)16.11.08 Penang Bridge Marathon 5:21:26
(35)7.12.08 Standard Charted Singapore Marathon 6:05:56
(36)28.12.08 MR25 ultra 52.5km 8:30
(37)8.2.09 Standard Charted Hong Kong Marathon 4:43:57
(38)30.5.09 Sundown Ultra marathon 12:46:15
(39)28.6.09 SCKLM 4:41:06
(40)11.10.09 Borneo marathon 5:28:27
Borneo Marathon 2009
On 8 Oct 2009 (Thursday), i have taken flight to Kota Kinabalu together with my Cari Chinese forum friends aka Cari Runners.
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we were jalan-jalan around KK and also makan seafood. Hunts for the nice and famous food and also visiting famous places!
im enjoyed it.
On Sunday 11 Oct 2009, i wake up around 3.00am and come out around 3.30am to the Hyatt Hotel to catch 4.00am free bus ride to the Likas Stadium the Borneo Marathon starting point.
my 21km half marathon was started at 5.30am sharp. Picture below were taken by my friend licici, my low yat forum chinese thread friend.
At 5.30am, we were off. im quite worry about my legs whether they will give me any problems or not... my leg muscle were OK... no sign of painful.
after running for about 10 minutes, im so surprise seeing the water station! wah, so fast already got water station, im not yet exhaust and i got bring along 500ml of Gatrade sport drinks with me. but as time pass, as im keep running for about 20 minutes plus, i start to feel pain on my shin. my right leg shin is start to pain...
i was worrying... im trying to maintain my speed by pace with 1 runner and slowly i found that i can not maintain my speed but have to reduce it, but im still running... i have to position my leg using different muscle while landing and i try to walk for few steps and found walk is even more pain, thus i keep running...
Run, run, run... i keep thinking it and focus on beautiful view on coastal, and soon and not long after that, my pain is gone... it was just an temporary pain.
Pain is gone, and i run into the Kota Kinabalu city centre. passing by the jesseton jetty, wisma Merdeka, water front, KK market, philipino market, im enjoyed the view and its give me different feel compared to route in KL. Around 6.30am, the SKY IS BRIGHT already!
People in KK are patient. Even they were block by the police, they just wait give way to runners and the way of their driving are good.
Run into the Sutera harbour! im just enjoyed the view. The sea, the coastal... after U-turn at Sutera Harbour, we run further up and another U-turn in front. immediate the U-turn, i consume power gel 2X caffeine just before the water station. Immediately i can feel i got the power and energy again! im still keep my speed and keep run...

After Tey, no more picture i thought. after passby the Marina Court, i come to roundabout. Guess what, i saw Terrence, another my running gang friend. He shouted me from far: Eh, CHIN ANN! and he take out his camera and i took out my camera too.
At this movement, an uncle was passing by me after i put down my bottle at road side. Its Uncle Sunny (picture below, i know him, but he might not know me, haha) passing by me. he is 66 years this year and his fitness level is superb.

along the way, im enjoyed the view again... Philipino market, KK wet market, water front.. after out from city, we run along the coastal road... Uncle Sunny speed is consistent and slowly he speeding up.
i saw kennysia from far. i quickly took out my camera and i wanted to take photo of him, but by the time i reach near to him, its too late. If i were to shot his pictures, i would lost pace with uncle Sunny. within second, i decided just cheers for Kennysia! +U+U+U, put back my camera and continue to pace with uncle Sunny.
i was abit behind Uncle Sunny because of taking out and puting back camera! Grrr... at the final roundabout when we were turning into the Stadium Likas, suddenly uncle Sunny speak out, he told me that we were just about 2km away from finishing point and he said, lets we target the blue shirt girl in front (which is quite far from view). We target her and we going to chase after her slowly... and we speed up... he told me that this year he is 66 years old... and the blue shirt girl that was our target is his friend...
1km left, he told me and im surprised we were getting nearer to our target! its not far away! Just before we entering the stadium, uncle Sunny told me to keep some energy for the final 100meter sprint! He reminded me not to sprint too soon, waits until entering into stadium after the corner.
Uncle Sunny sprint immediately the corner and im trying to sprint as well, but its seems that i did not have enough breath to sprint, its was not 100m but is around 150m, my turbo can not kick in, i was left behind by uncle sunny and he really sprint all his way until finishing point and finally he managed to overtake the target!
While for me, my turbo only kick in with 50m left, i sprinted the last 50meters and overtake another running friend Mr Lai.

im enjoyed it. Next year Borneo Marathon scheduled on 14 April 2010.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Back at KL
finally reached at home sweet home at 11.00pm...
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Air Asia
im finally going to fly with Air Asia.
my first time to fly with Air Asia...
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Worldwide Festival of Races
Think Global, Run Local
10-11 October 2009
924 Entrants in 42 Countries
chinann you are registered, and your race number is 926
926th runner... my name is there! Horey!
Source: Worldwide Festival of Races
Coming this weekend, im going to run half marathon 21km for Borneo Marathon!
Just now, my running friend, Frank (925th runner) was telling me about this website! without second thought, im quickly register!
Monday, October 05, 2009
Mizuno Wave Run 2009

Friday, October 2nd, 2009
Runners, you may collect your running vest and bib at the following collection points:
Bukit Aman carpark
Sunday, 11 October 2009 -- 9.00am to 10.00am
Sunday, 18 October 2009 -- 9.30am to 10.30am
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang
Saturday, 24/10/09 -- 10am to 5.00pm
Note: You MUST show your receipt to collect your Race Kit. Please note that there will be NO distribution in PACM office.
Setting up new office...
more things to do...
We going to flying off...
now is preparing everything for the take off...
its going to take lot of energy to take off...
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Running @ 4 Oct 09
Today im decided only to run double hill as im worried my condition might not as good as yesterday.
Yesterday, evening, after have few hours of nap, i went to KLCC with friend to have diner and watch movie.
its abit tiring and im only sleep around 11.30pm. that's y im decided to run double hill which start around 6.30am.
Running double hill with my friend and i feel like wanted to run mini wall...
The 1st 20 minutes, i have some minor pain on my leg muscle, but its so minimum... unlike last week, its so pain!
im running at slow pace... and yet i did not stop, just only walk for few steps to exchange my breathing and deep breath to get new fresh air...
We run double hill loop and turn left at the roundabout to run for mini wall... my friend's pace is faster and she waited my at the junction just before going up the mini wall...
i told her that: Dont know whether i able to run up the wall or not...
she replied: Just run slowly...
When we going up hill, my pace were still ok... steps by steps... and finally i managed to run the mini wall without stop or walks...
then we heading back to Bukit Aman Car Park. my system is ok, my leg is ok, mood is ok, i feel the power and ummmphh.... im just running non-stop at abit higher pace...
im just love the feel!
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Running @ 3 Oct 09
Surprisingly my leg muscle did not feel any pain! im dun know why... but i did not run during weekday! Is it due to that reason? Dun know!
we started our run at 5.30am with initial target of 30km!
System is running well... with muscle pain is not appear on my legs, then i try to control my breathing.
when we reached at the Plaza Damas uphill, my breathing is abit out... i walk for few second to 1 minutes and continue to run till Petronas Station...
After refill, had my 2x power gel, we continue our run to next level to Tmn Tun and back to Petronas = 10km. But soon after we were crossing the bridge / overfly, and continue, 1 of our gang fell down! oh my god... she accident kicked the uneven surface rock ! We advise her not to continue run and we all head back to Petronas station to wash her wound.
Basically, today run im very satisfy!
Love Letter from UK
the love letter normally will reach in December every year...
Now its come earlier, love letter which makes people love and hate...
i really never thought of ACCA will give these kind of offer !
*The fee waiver is available to invited affiliates who passed their exams more than 3 years ago only and will run for a limited time from 1 June 2009 to 30 November 2009 inclusive.
Now is already 3 Oct 09, i have about 2 months to do it... but its hard to achieved it. i have been changing job since last 1 years ago...
Sigh... RM1k waiver is gone...
Friday, October 02, 2009
Drive Safety
the 1st time i watched this video clip was in the facebook.
its being posting in my friend facebook...
after i watched it, im touched and heart break...
it really helps in increase my awareness of driving safety.
how nice it the govt can show this to public...
you will never be any1 inside of the video clips...
Thursday, October 01, 2009
October 2009
3 months left before end of the 2009...
Coming these 3 months going to have 3 major races... which are:
Borneo Marathon @ Oct
Penang Bridge International Marathon @ Nov
Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon @ Dec
During these 3 months, im going try to spend 17.5 days of annual leave. Roughly planned which day to take, pending my boss for approval.