i left my home around 6.30pm and able to reach at Putrajaya around 7.30pm. there was no any road block all the way to PICC (Putrajaya International Convention Centre). i believe the road block will be set up after 8.00pm which will defer people from driving car up to PICC.
even im reached which im consider very early, i failed to get a nice spot, i mean a nice sport for my friend "tom yam" to place his DSLR camera. after 5-6 minutes, he reached as well. we together find nice spot.
eh, i saw Rukawa there as well. so surprise. he already place his DSLR there and there got space for us.
my friend got his space small tripod and offer to lend me to use. hmmm... initially i was reject it, as i thinks my camera A70 Canon un-able to shoot nice pictures. anyways, im just give my try to shoot it with the tips from him teach me how to fine tune the camera functions and setting.
this is the tripod that im using!!

we have about 2 hours time to spare. so i try and adjust my setting and pose for the nice sport.
when the fireworks is started, i just keep shooting. im so worried about the batter life as im used it to shoot video for other fireworks day and never chance new. im just keep pressing and praying i can shoot nice pictures. The final result, im so happy and glad with it. im so happy. my antic Digicam A70 able to shoot this kind of pictures... horey...

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