Saturday, May 31, 2008
my aunty is in the hospital.
my aunty got ill.
my aunty have been sufering illness.
a serious illness, yet no one is telling me what illness she facing.
from my another aunty, my aunty got breast cancer.
she have been taking the treatment since dont know how long ago.
she have been resting all the while.
yet, i still have not visited her.
yet, no one is telling me.
until today, my uncle called me.
asking me go to UM hospital to visit my aunty.
but i got farewell diner at night, so i can not make it.
after that, suddenly an un-known number called me.
it's my grandma.
she also asking me go to UM hospital to visit my aunty.
she mentioned that my aunty is serious illness.
i feel scare.
i feel afraid.
i never visited an illness people of my relative.
last time when im small, my mum never let us go visit my grandpa (mother's side) when he is operation to take out stone. Even though the operation is sucessful, but my grandpa were not able to survived after the operations.
this time, the way my grandma (father side) talking to me in the phone, im feel scare, afraid, worry.
im so afraid of losting my aunty.
LYN @ 5,000 posts

Farewell @ 30 May 2008
some are expensive, some are far, some are near, and various of kind of farewell diner.
sometimes, farewell diner can meet new friends, meet up the ex-ex colleagues and seniors.
May - it's my farewell together with another colleague.
Anyways, likes usual, im enjoy the farewell diner.
GoodBye Moore Rowland.
Friday, May 30, 2008
i found out that im also can be the millionaire club member, but it's will be long long journey to achieved this.
but our PM, Tun Mahatir have just achieved this.
and im proundly become his 1st comment on his THE MILLIONAIRE CLUB post.
Below is the print screen of my comment on the FIRST. hehe
i was posted the comment on 3.37pm and just now when i checked, it's already have 216 comments on it. so many comments.
anyways, Congras to Tun for this first million hits, two millions hit is coming soon.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
28 May 2008
it's was my first day in new company.
it's was my first day wake up so early.
its was my first day driving through smooth traffic in the morning.
its was my first day in Damansara Heights.
its was my first day my car parking is being paid for.
its was my first day got my own desk.
its was my first day got my own computer and it's HP, Pentium4, 3G, HT. yeah! too bad, only running with 504MB of RAMs.
working from 8am till 5pm. i start works on time and end on time.
27 May 2008
its was my last day in my ex-firm.
its was my busy day.
its was appearly not like my last day.
its was super duper busy.
its was suddenly all things come together.
its was a never on-time back home last day.
its was in deed my last day.
bye bye Moores Rowland.
somehow i was touched by the greeting by my colleagues.
somehow i can feel how's my ex-colleague feels.
somehow i really touched by the simple words.
somehow i gained lots of my experience here.
and it's my last day, i got no time to re-thinks back.
it's over.
1 chaper is closing, while another chapter is opening.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Dim Sum Breakfast
initially i was thinking of do not want to go, since it's far and it's early 9am. thinks thinks, i got nothing better to do during the weekend, why dont show up there and chit chat with them.
im was right. i met back with one of the member, she was working in the account commercial. She just joined The Mines and it's quite interesting to listen story from her. while we updating each other, other member also doing great.
for rest of the day, after the Dim Sum, i went to Kota Damansara for car wash. My friend was not there, so did not stay long there and got no chances to find him chit-chat. So after the car wash, pay the money to his workers and ciao.
Back to home, resume my nothing better to do action at home for the rest of the day.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Perodua Service Centre

it's seem every Perodua service centre is the same design.
it's seem they still have not changed much yet.
it's seem they still offer limited product range for servicing.
it's seem it's about the time for me to consider servicing outside?
Frankly speaking, outside world can offer a much better oil and better protection for engin and the Oil Interval Change can last for 10,000 km, unlike currently which is 5,000 km Oil Interval Change.
This question, or Dilema im been thinking for quite a long long time ago. im been considering of servicing outside, but yet i still can not find the trust worthy car centre to do it.
anyways, i will stick with AutoCraft service centre at the movement.
the new cabin filter im getting is the Duratech brand. i can feel the better quality with my previous filter.
im really have a great talks with him and later found out from him that, my previous modification added in my engin bay is something that will harm my engin pistal in the long run. qucikly im notice it, and it's advisable for my to take it out.
so after the breakfast, i went to nearest Perodua Service Centre to check out the spare parts i need after i take out the modification. it's not available on the spot, need to order.
So during afternoon, i went to my usual Perodua Service Centra at Petaling Jaya, behind Campbell factory, AutoCraft to check out the spare parts which need to replace after i take out the modification.

i was taking the out "kryon" thing out.
anyways, while waiting, im too free, so photo shooting around the Service Centre. it's seem that all service centre is being upgraded. got LCD TV, and better image. before this, the previous service centre im visiting for displaying all the certification, and i saw 1 company which is so familiar.
It's Perodua Sales Sdn Bhd.
It's the Company which im went to interview.
it's the Company which offer me.
it's the Company which im reject the offer. *pening
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
1 colleague in the planning
1 friend already brought
another friend brought
another colleague in the planning
2 friend 1 couple already brought, planning to move in after the completion.
argh... wondering, is it i have problems on myself? everyone is buying house, else im still struggle on the money matter.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Saturday morning, wake up like normal, have breakfast then online surfing.
afternoon, i went to IKEA to buy something. since i really got no hurry, i visited all corner, see how the design and thinks which one is suite me.
walk walk walk, then i saw 1 thing, it's so ngam suite my need but then looking at the prices, it's really expensive at first thought.
back home. rest.
evening, suddenly im thought of im already long long time did not go to jogging at the titiwangsa there. so without second thought i change cloths and go to titiwangsa lake for jogging.
i thinks this is my first time im driving to Titiwangsa jogging. previously last year, the last time im was on motorbike to there. i have no problems on the parking and the traffic jam.
but now im driving to there. first it's traffic jam. stupid people parking at the road side, 2 lane road become 1 lane. lucky i managed to find the parking, else will curse kaw kaw.
it's really quite long time i did not come to Titiwangsa for jogging. it's really long long time. everything is improving and changing.
then walk walk, run run, jog jog, i found that most of the people 99% is Malay. while im the only 1 chinese walking around, hanging around. dun know how it can be like this.
anyways, im planning to go to Lake Garden for my jogging which im wanted to there long long time ago, just do not know why im never been there.
Lake Garden, here i come. Ops, before that, i need to get a new running shoe. Sigh, spending money again.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Speed Test III

my third test is choose the KL server same as the 1st test, but the result is very dissapointed. so i did not post it out.
Speed Test II

whose know the result is what i wanted to see.
wondering what's is the reason behind the huge variation of the speed.
Speed Test

MyviClub - latest member
it's in French.
it's one of the latest member of member.
it's so amazing.
it's so excited.
it's spread so far.
im just loving it.

after few days did not login into my forum for normal updates, i come accross that there is a member from French, Lyon. he got his Sirion, and joined horey.
he was asking ways to do some D.I.Y stuff and i can see a lots of member is answering his questions. i wish i can help. but i know nothing much.
previously, when i joined the TT at Melaka, i also come accross that got 1 member is driving Sirion. He is from Singapore. too bad, dun have much chances to chit-chat with him.
his car is White Sirion.
im just likes my Myvi.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
because im tired and just want to have a nice rest at home.
today, i finally make up my mind and go to collect my offer letter at japanese construction company.
early in the morning 6.15am im wake up, 7.05am im go out of the condo and 7.36am i reached the place at Damansara Heights.
the traffic is not so badly jamm at such timing.
read the offer letter, terms and conditions of the employment.
and im Signed.
back at home, suddenly my roomate called me.
his cousin is coming to TARC studying and want to find room to stay.
so i asked his cousin come and see the room.
and they come and see and they agreed.
finally my room got people renting.
finally i can have some cash flow relief.
finally i can have my mind made up.
finally i can have my new job waiting me.
finally i can have a relax month.
finally i can be Happy.
Monday, May 12, 2008
J or P - II
before come to this conclusion, i managed to eliminated another offer option, that is CIMB Investment bank. i thinks i finally dare to admit to myself that i do not really likes this Banking although it's offer better in remuneration.
when the first time i received call for interview at the japanese co, im so excited. i know my way out of audit is coming. my door is knocking. i was interview on Friday and i got to know my result on Friday evening.
im so happy and im tender my resignation letter on 28 April 2008 Monday.
after 1 weeks, i received another call for interview, that is Perodua. Im so happy as well.
my thought of working in Perodua is realise soon.
i was so happy. Myvi is my passion.
i like my car myvi so much.
i was imaging i can see a lots of myvi everyday.
i was imaging i can working related with myvi.
i was imaging im working the the Myvi birth place.
that was my dreaming. when im wake up to reality, i found out:
i have to travel 100km per day to works.
i have to wake up at 6am, 6.45am to works.
i have to use highway and pay tolls.
im somehow doubting myself whether im able to do all these things.
im some how doubting whether im able to support this kind of life style.
Drving 100km per day cost money.
will my paid able to cover up and have some money for saving?
this is the reality of working in Perodua.
Myvi = Passion
Reality = No money
Japanese co = Money
should i choose passion over money?
should i choose money over passion?
i really need something strong to support me to works in Perodua.
moving to Rawang, or somewhere nearer to Perodua? Problem solved?
but then my life is gone.
no more KL life.
no more yam cha. in fact, the only thing is i miss my current house.
somehow i feel like im in the comfort zone.
my place = my comfort.
J or P
the long long post which im wrote just now is gone.
now have to re-write it again. but i have forget what im writting just now.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
6.00am wake up
6.45am go out house to car park
7.00am come out from condo
8.08am reach Perodua Rawang
8.15am walked into the Corporate Building
8.15am-8.35am waiting at the waiting area
at the waiting area, there got 2 persons siting there.
1 malay guy
1 malay gal
the guy is coming for the production side post
the gal is coming for the same post as mine.
then come another malay gal, come another chinese gal.
they seems know each others.
but i do not thinks so.
just happened that table got extra seats and they all are gals.
finally, the HR walked slowly toward waiting area, and asking those who come for account executive post please follow her. 3 gals and me 1 guy followed her to the broadroom.
for the first time, i feel like im being de-graded.
some how i can feel it.
some how i can feel that im the only 1 who from audit.
some how i can feel it.
im do not care about others. so i take the lead. i sit the nearest to HR.
im first to hand over my photocopy certificert.
im first to complete the questionaaire.
im first to finish the application form.
im first to interview.
when the time submiting the photocopy of the certificate, she flip through the copy page by pages.
so i can see other candidates's certificate.
my feeling was right. im the only one with ACCA.
3 of them are from local university.
after submiting the certificate, we were given a test.
put Highest and lowest in the each category. ended up, 2 of them do it wrongly.
then have to redo again.
while im just proceed with the application.
i thinks im quite familiar with the application form format. what they want and what to fill in.
so with the speed, i completed quite fast.
and after that, submit to HR and went to toilet.
im was waiting quite long in the room, waiting them to finish the form.
finally they finished and we were told to wait at the outside.
the manager is in the meeting, and there will be General Manager of Accounts and General Manager of HR, both of them will be interviewing us one by one.
i was so afraid if it were a group interview.
i was so afraid if it were a Malay GM who interview and required to speak Bahasa Malaysia.
i was so afraid if it were role playing in the interview.
anyways, at the end, seem my worry is useless. im too over worry. scareing myself only.
it's were 2 indian who conducting the interview, the GM of account and HR.
my interview is started.
basically overall the interview is talking about myself.
the normal questions asked.
overall, i can feel im going to be offered!!!
Monday, May 05, 2008
i got two offers.
i got japanese construction company.
i got CIMB investment bank.
and soon i have another interview to attend. it's Perodua.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
it's better to do it myself.
it's better to spread the news myself.
it's better to post it myself.
some how, this time, maybe im too over confidence.
very confidence until im lazy to put up notice.
although got some enquiry, yet still dun have confirmed.
the one i wish for did not come.
the one unexpected show up.
Friday, May 02, 2008
it's from Perodua.
it's the manufacturer of my myvi car.
it's something that im wish to go for it.
the post offered is Executive Finance & Accounts.
wondering how's the job scope for it.
i feel like excited and yet i feel worry about it.
excited, because i can go to Perodua Factory.
My passion's factory.
My passion's birth place.
It's my passion.
so many passion, do not know whether i have the passion for it or not.
tomolo going to test the distance between my house and my passion's factory.
Which Room
medium room is quite easy to rent out.
what is i really want?
im also not sure.
i have to make my mind clear as soon as possible.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Plan changed
hopefully i can get it as soon as possible.