the D day is finally come... i confirmed that my motor is facing very serious problems...he is forecasting that my motor will not last for another 1 month plus... and can not tahan longer journey...
ai... i went to another shop for my motor maintenance... he can guess what i changed my components last time... and he is firmly saying that the mechanic din change d component... as my engin very noisy... if it would be changed then my engin will not be this noisy...
talking about cost... he asked me last time how much i spended for the major ovalhaul.... i reply is RM500++... and he can firmly give me quotation that my cost of repair would be around 300-400... maximum will not over RM500...
sigh...have to incurred another money... what can be done leh...
there are few option i can be done:
1. Transport back motor to hometown, then buy new motor.
2. Take it to fixed.
3. Dont use motor any more.
it's appear that the second option is incurring the least money compared to other 2.
hopefully this time i meet a good mechanic...
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
just now, have stream boat with fren... fren coming from ipoh.... we have a really great time meeting back....
beside that, 2 missing in acting people is also showing leh... so surprise... they missing in act since joined big4... now they show up... really good...
3 big4 fren, 1 outsider which is our main reason have this streamboat, 2 medium firm and 1 small firm but with high paid and lastly 1 doing nothing.... he goreng his boss...
total of 8 of us... from 8something we sit down, ate until 10 something... our main topic, 1 firstly talked about travel...where to travel in Sept.... then topic changed to AUDIT.... all kind of thing happened during audit...
so many stories we heard from them... and also we laugh all the ways...
beside that, 2 missing in acting people is also showing leh... so surprise... they missing in act since joined big4... now they show up... really good...
3 big4 fren, 1 outsider which is our main reason have this streamboat, 2 medium firm and 1 small firm but with high paid and lastly 1 doing nothing.... he goreng his boss...
total of 8 of us... from 8something we sit down, ate until 10 something... our main topic, 1 firstly talked about travel...where to travel in Sept.... then topic changed to AUDIT.... all kind of thing happened during audit...
so many stories we heard from them... and also we laugh all the ways...
Sunday, May 28, 2006
problems come problems gone...
it's come and go....
passingby here for a while...about 2-3 weeks....
now all things done...get sloved... just now.... tonight...
my IRC come and gone....
as my revision come. started, stil can not end yet....
have to add more speed than usual...
it's come and go....
passingby here for a while...about 2-3 weeks....
now all things done...get sloved... just now.... tonight...
my IRC come and gone....
as my revision come. started, stil can not end yet....
have to add more speed than usual...
Saturday, May 27, 2006
i was in Monaco Grand Prix

just now watched the F1 Monaco Grand's reminded of me... i was there before...
now watching back... really miss d nice place leh....
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Da Vinci Code

just now went to One Utama to watch da vinci code... feeling excited about the places inside the movie...
i was there before... so nice d feeling... on d other side feel quite down because i din take time to visit d places... just be there, took pictures and towards next destination... i wish i can go back and visit again with more time... and have a look for Mona Lisa Smile... the real painting...
i was so close to near yet so far... never go in the museum to visit...
wah... my fren in big4 is telling me got nothing to do... so bored... while other fren in other big4 no complain, i assume they dun have time to tell me also...busy with works...
Monday, May 22, 2006
i thinks i'm got nothing to do lioa... doing crazy thing.. sigh...
my house microwave is breakdown...can not cook magi anymore... so i brought gas stove from Carrefour... and also wanted gas for it to cook...
aiks...dun know where to buy it... asking around... this fren dun know tht fren know, but dun know it's price...
then finally i go out and round...round around prima..and teratai mewah atas there... saw a grocery shop with gas tude... so happy,... so go to ask the price...
RM50 for the Tong.
RM22 for the gas...
total RM72..for a small tong gas...
aiks... RM22 feeling quite expensive...
at night i asked fren who staying condo beside me, but he din know the price... ai.. seem tomolo have to ask lioa... n decide...
a small matter, i used so many time to do it, do compare price... y i act like this? i also dont know...
Get my priority worng... at this movement, study is my 1st priority...
my house microwave is breakdown...can not cook magi anymore... so i brought gas stove from Carrefour... and also wanted gas for it to cook...
aiks...dun know where to buy it... asking around... this fren dun know tht fren know, but dun know it's price...
then finally i go out and round...round around prima..and teratai mewah atas there... saw a grocery shop with gas tude... so happy,... so go to ask the price...
RM50 for the Tong.
RM22 for the gas...
total RM72..for a small tong gas...
aiks... RM22 feeling quite expensive...
at night i asked fren who staying condo beside me, but he din know the price... ai.. seem tomolo have to ask lioa... n decide...
a small matter, i used so many time to do it, do compare price... y i act like this? i also dont know...
Get my priority worng... at this movement, study is my 1st priority...
Friday, May 19, 2006
it's 2nd day on leave today... suddenly feel got so many free time to happy...
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Peugeot 206 - Naza

The Naza 206 Bestari will cost you RM68,888 on the road with insurance for private registration. This makes it pretty competitive as it is cheaper than it’s competitors like the Chevrolet Aveo and the Hyundai Getz. The Peugeot 206 is a great car, and Naza has provided us with a nice alternative at a cheaper price even though it’s pretty much just a re-badge. The Peugeot 206 is Peugeot’s best selling model and it’s engineering and technology is proven. The Naza 206 Bestari comes with a 3 year or 100,000km warranty, whichever comes first.
Monday, May 15, 2006
back to works after 2 days on leave...
very unexpected... jobs keep coming... all small small jobs... as i going to take real long leave start on Thurs, cant go out audit...
check admendment, admend figures, chasing audit questionaire from oversea...HK, Singapore, Thailand and local as well...
phtostating also...
today back to office so surprise, all PC is NEW...Win XP some more...monitor 19 inch... wah lau... suddenly can not adapt leh...
althought PC looks nice, pretty and good, but it's real capability is very low... checked it's specification P4 2.66G, 192MB RAM... HDD forget to see... it's running like turtle... preview document take damm lots of second, and printing as well... sot sot d lioa... even my PII WinXP is better than the 1 in office...
when i can get the perfect PC leh? i'm wondering...
very unexpected... jobs keep coming... all small small jobs... as i going to take real long leave start on Thurs, cant go out audit...
check admendment, admend figures, chasing audit questionaire from oversea...HK, Singapore, Thailand and local as well...
phtostating also...
today back to office so surprise, all PC is NEW...Win XP some more...monitor 19 inch... wah lau... suddenly can not adapt leh...
althought PC looks nice, pretty and good, but it's real capability is very low... checked it's specification P4 2.66G, 192MB RAM... HDD forget to see... it's running like turtle... preview document take damm lots of second, and printing as well... sot sot d lioa... even my PII WinXP is better than the 1 in office...
when i can get the perfect PC leh? i'm wondering...
One of my 3 intensive ended this sunday....
OMG, i discover i have problems with my eye... my left eye...
got 1 time, i can not see clearly what is being wrote in broad... i thinks that's becoz i'm too tired... wanna falls as sleep lioa...
then dont know how, and why, i put my hand to cover my right eye, my left eye see blur blur on broad... SHIT la... something wrong lioa...
then cover my left eye, my right eye is ok... no problems...
then my fren suggest me use left eye see through small hole through hand... see if u can see clearly o not... yes... i can see cleary... this is bcoz the small hole make ur eye focus, now it's proved, my eye got something wrong...
OMG, i discover i have problems with my eye... my left eye...
got 1 time, i can not see clearly what is being wrote in broad... i thinks that's becoz i'm too tired... wanna falls as sleep lioa...
then dont know how, and why, i put my hand to cover my right eye, my left eye see blur blur on broad... SHIT la... something wrong lioa...
then cover my left eye, my right eye is ok... no problems...
then my fren suggest me use left eye see through small hole through hand... see if u can see clearly o not... yes... i can see cleary... this is bcoz the small hole make ur eye focus, now it's proved, my eye got something wrong...
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
horey...i finally found a better package for credit card... HSBC Gradpac...
annual fee waived for 3 need to call to to threaten to cancel card lioa... haha...
hope that it dun have any hidden terms and conditions which will cause me hard to follow... :P
started Intensive revision class today... this time round, no rush, no clash... no other things need to prepare and also no 4 papers... hope that i can do well in exam in 1 month time...
annual fee waived for 3 need to call to to threaten to cancel card lioa... haha...
hope that it dun have any hidden terms and conditions which will cause me hard to follow... :P
started Intensive revision class today... this time round, no rush, no clash... no other things need to prepare and also no 4 papers... hope that i can do well in exam in 1 month time...
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
all things come together...
1st, car park is tenant is moving out, so my car park is empty...
then come medium room tenants, who finished his exam and study in TARC... planned to further study at MMU or whatever Uni which accept him...
and today, my roomate, who also going to complete his studies in tarc also want to move out...
now i got 1 people wanted to moved in... is small room housemate's fren... he either will stay at medium room and get a roomate or with me... while i can rent out the medium room...
now the ball is in my hand... i can do whatever i want... my exam is coming... hate this when this happen at this timing... last time also like this... ai...
while on my cash flow site, there will be huge outflow and inflow... it's just timing matter... one out faster and in slower... o the opposite side... i can hole other deposit... to preserve my cash flow... and also pay the unsettled bills...
now i have to do the maths... deciding what rate is most suitable for me... or else i rugi...
staying 1 people in 1 room? quite expensive to afford it...
sometimes i'm asking why u stil staying at there... here is getting packed... while my fren is going to move to TTDI in july... and he will buy a new car...
everry1 is buying car... while when is my turn leh? Vios, until to date, this car is the great car brought by my fren among us...others, kelisa is mostly brought by my penang fren, KL fren got Kenari, and others is old car from family.... she damm lucky, get old loan rate... and hold her loan and she get discounted car price.... cheap loan and cheaper car...
1st, car park is tenant is moving out, so my car park is empty...
then come medium room tenants, who finished his exam and study in TARC... planned to further study at MMU or whatever Uni which accept him...
and today, my roomate, who also going to complete his studies in tarc also want to move out...
now i got 1 people wanted to moved in... is small room housemate's fren... he either will stay at medium room and get a roomate or with me... while i can rent out the medium room...
now the ball is in my hand... i can do whatever i want... my exam is coming... hate this when this happen at this timing... last time also like this... ai...
while on my cash flow site, there will be huge outflow and inflow... it's just timing matter... one out faster and in slower... o the opposite side... i can hole other deposit... to preserve my cash flow... and also pay the unsettled bills...
now i have to do the maths... deciding what rate is most suitable for me... or else i rugi...
staying 1 people in 1 room? quite expensive to afford it...
sometimes i'm asking why u stil staying at there... here is getting packed... while my fren is going to move to TTDI in july... and he will buy a new car...
everry1 is buying car... while when is my turn leh? Vios, until to date, this car is the great car brought by my fren among us...others, kelisa is mostly brought by my penang fren, KL fren got Kenari, and others is old car from family.... she damm lucky, get old loan rate... and hold her loan and she get discounted car price.... cheap loan and cheaper car...
Monday, May 01, 2006
1000 SMS for RM1
today my day is ruled by Hotlink... very crazy...
at 1st i was lunch with fren while received this sms from fren telling me about the 1000sms...
anyway i tried's no harm to try since it only charge RM1.00 exchange for 1000 sms...'s true... wa lua... i'm damm happy...feeling like kena lottery...1000 sms to be spend... within 12 hours...i cant imaging it....
send...send... send... from 12pm fingers is non-stop pressing my hp....
tired... give up lioa... back to study and have a sleep...
fren sms me... i sms back... revenge... i bombing my fren... hehe
anyways...i stil left a lot more...
Conclusion of the day:
i was ruined by this... original plan to study... whose know only able to study a bit...
at 1st i was lunch with fren while received this sms from fren telling me about the 1000sms...
anyway i tried's no harm to try since it only charge RM1.00 exchange for 1000 sms...'s true... wa lua... i'm damm happy...feeling like kena lottery...1000 sms to be spend... within 12 hours...i cant imaging it....
send...send... send... from 12pm fingers is non-stop pressing my hp....
tired... give up lioa... back to study and have a sleep...
fren sms me... i sms back... revenge... i bombing my fren... hehe
anyways...i stil left a lot more...
Conclusion of the day:
i was ruined by this... original plan to study... whose know only able to study a bit...
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