Wednesday, December 20, 2006
doing research of apply 1... sigh... waste time and energy....
Luck plus minus
they got nothing to do... so as me as well! i dun have anything to give to them to do...
we all waiting for client to give us schedule... waiting... sienz...... the whole morning doing nothing... but chatting... and sent sms...
so cham us... the client keep us waiting until 4.30pm only then give us schedule... and we all 6 people start works...
again, we all have lunch at UOA... same people from yesterday.... almost whole our group is lunch together again... wakaka haha
we works till 6.30pm... and i asked client whether other schedule is done or not... again... he say only can give tomolo...
so we decided to back home once the works is done... when start packing, i found tht my motor key is not with me...
sigh... where i put leh... search all my bag... no... then i thinks im must be forget to pull the key out from motor...
oh shit, my motor might be being ride away... im really no heart to thinks about bad side... while praying hard for the good side to appear...
yeah... my motor is still there... i got the spare key... and i go to the motor parking indian guy asked him whether got see my key or not...
"apa motor kamu?" it's Kriss Modenas bang... then he take out a familiar key of mine...
horey... im really thanks a lots to him...
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Sigh II
1st time ever... so many of us... as we 1,2,3,4 teams is working nearby to each other...
so got chances to eat lunch together...
after finished my lunch, i asked my senior about my journey to NOrth...
oh shit... im falling from heaven to earth...
we going to have a stock take on 31 December 2006 starting from 9.30pm until 2:00am... 1st Jan 2007 and then 7:00am start again...
OMG... my 1st ever new year is going to spend in factory... surrounded by sugar... dun have any chances to see fireworks tim...
now i know why we all 2nd Jan only fly back to KL... rupa-rupanya stock take punya pasai...
i thinks hope we are free after stock take, then can go to Penang island eat kaw kaw...
1st. Penang road's cendol
2nd. Fettes Park temple chicken chop
3rd. full already... it's enough... wakaka
thinks so hard... finally decided to ride motor till titiwangsa and from there to sultan ismail...
when back, picked my motor, oh my god, my helmet is being cut... replaced with old helmet...
today, we back quite early... 7.oopm... sigh.. we forced to back home as there is nothing left we can do...
the reasons behind is:
i get scoled by client... for being naughty touching their cupbroad's file... since can touch touch their files after they have back, so no more meaning staying back... so it's Go Home time...
hmmm... thinks back, so black today...
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Saturday 16 December 2006
nothing to do.
do not wish to go to Cinema to watch any movie...
just stay home for whole day...
at night, suddenly friend say yam cha at Zati Manis... im immediately on...
10.45pm wait at there... and we all yam cha... talking crap...
7 of us... 2 friends from subang...
we yam cha until 12.30 am and head for another round... it was going to find another friend who working in Damansara heights... 2 friends were leave, while 5 of us went to Damansara to looks for friend...
we yam cha at Ali Maju... at Damansara height... from 1am plus until 3am... so glad... 1st time yam cha so crazy...
bad luck II
im spechless...
police(P): police, tolong henti sebelah
Me(M): oh s**t, kena again...
M: apakah kesalahan saya?
P: ini kawasan di bawah jagaan saya, saya nak checks lol...
M: okok, u mau check lesence, road tax kan...
P: IC juga mau... *passed my lesence, IC to him to copy down the addresss...
P: kerja apa
M: Auditor
P: mana
M: di sini ( kena in front of my office)
P: nak pigi mana.
M: pi OCBC bank jln ampang Great Eastern Mall
after this, went back home after cut my hair at Avenue K...
dare not to come out again...
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Chuping II


the seafood at Kuala Perlis is cheap... fish, sotong, vega, and tau fun,... just around 60... each person around 15...


Monday, November 27, 2006
The Lead
how are u doing with the job... ok or not...
can you do it faster or not... we short of time...
copy... writes writes....
Sunday, November 26, 2006
The 6

there are only 5 people who i know from my batch... dun have any fun at all... and no excitement as previous convocation... as this is my 4th convocation...
anyways, im so happy can meet back my friends...
Friday, November 24, 2006
Happy Convo
tomolo will be the day...
the day im wished to come...
it's become true and real...
anyways, im get lost after i got my 1st goal...
really have to works out something soon...
"you got anything to give to me to do"? she eventually go to ask every1 to beg for the job...
too bad, she still got nothing to do... no 1 is giving her job to do...
when it's 5.30pm, she declare again... Horey, Going back home time... your too bad, have to continue to works...
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
it's going to be war soon...
Monday, November 20, 2006
good bye my colleague...
good bye my senior...
you leave for the better opportunity...
today is my senior last day... we had our farewell at Tai Tong Restaurant... we almost whole group is went to there... the Tai Thong which below our office...
total of 39 of us... almost all of our group is going... except a few... which on leave for study ACCA exam...
from 12.45pm, we eat until 2.00 pm only back to office... the foods served is very late... that why we eat until 2pm...
today back to office since 1 month ago... a few new faces appear in the office...
so scary... drive so close yet so fast... their skills is really "keng".
finally my outstation is over for there... no more outstation there already...
while im going to north soon... a whole new place for me... as i never been there...
Sunday, November 12, 2006
bad luck
so i round n round sg wang, low yat...
ended up, i being stopped by 'un-uniform' police... they just like normal people... riding motor... he show me his blue card... which im reading the red book few days ago... it's really true 1 leh... and he follow the procedures too...
IC, road tax, lesence... all checked... and he ask, y round n round leh :sweat: :sweat: ? and where im works, where im stay... sigh... so many questions being asked....
nothing happened at the end... :x
just being bad luck of suspected by police...
Saturday, October 28, 2006
1 Year Anniversary
1 Year so fast, it coming and will past in sekelip mata... 1 year, many things have changed.
im got my 1st job, and start working...
Februrary, it's CNY...
in march, held our Sheffield Hallam University Convocation @ Shangri-La Hotel...
in april, friends and i, we went to Cameron Highland Hikking and jungle trekking to withness the largest flower in the world...rafflesia...
busy with works...
at the same time im passed my ACCA with friends together in the middle of the year...
end of June, my 1st outstation job is a stock take alone to Penang... which was took MAS flight to there... got experience my 1st dosmestic flight experience...
end of September, i got my 1st local travelling with friends to Taman Negara... 3 days 2 nights and it was very fun... able to meet back friends...and we do crazy thing @ Taman Negara... hehe..
October, get another change of taking dosmestic flight.. this time around, not heading for north but is South...JB and im not alone... for interim audit...
November, going to JB again... for 3 weeks... 1st 2 weeks and back to KL. after that we going down to JB again... and it's my ACCA convo...
Friday, October 27, 2006
sigh... i thought i can recharging for the holiday... whose know second day im already discharging...
Raya is few day coming... and it's deepavali... Raya is always my family peak... busy...busy... i always have to works till quite late...
raining... everyday raining... sigh...
Friday, October 20, 2006
Bad debt chaser
1st is car parking rental... he own me totally 2 months... and just recently paid me one off...
and now it's my housemate... medium room fellow... damm... this is not the 1st time anymore... he causing me cash flow tight...
now is 1.20am... still not yet sleep...
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Balik Kampung
and today my 1st OT since May... until 10.00pm...
and we had Mcd delivery as our diner at office...
tomolo 10.15am Mara Bus liner from Jln Duta back to Serdang Kedah... hopefully the traffic will not be jam...
anyways, i plan tonight will be sleeping late... and wake up early...
6.15am wake up
7.15am go out
estimated around 45 min to reach masjid jamek...
8.00am have breakfast at Mcd...
9.00am walk to Puduraya.
9.15am take bus at main entrance of Puduraya to Jln Duta.
estimated 9.45am reach Jln Duta Bus Station...
10.15am bye bye KL...
on the bus sleeping... while listen to my MP3...
not forgeting SMsing with fren... haha
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Back at Office
suddenly im so busy... i have to set-up files for the coming JB audit...
it's total 16 files...
all i have to prepare for it... alone as other colleagues have go out to audit...
now, i also have to looking for the audit bags to fit in all my files... have to ask 1 by 1 to see whether got any bags or not...
sigh... audit bags is not enough... who fast they get it `1st... while im considered late few days to set up files... what left is broken bags...
anyways, audit bags which sit on plane get the priortiy... i can ask for switch with other's colleague's bag... hehe... i thinks my action will give some bad implication to others... they might hate me in their heart...
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
ACCA Convacation
but im worrying about it... im worry about tht day i might not able to attend it... it's mainly due to the final audit that on that weeks before in JB...
after this raya, im going to JB again... but this JB is not like the 1st JB... this client is December year end, now is doing interim... for 2 weeks also...
after that will come back and we might going to JB for the 1st JB place... for the final... 1 week time frame is given... but senior nor supervisor un-able to give confirmed date as when we going and when coming back, as it also need to depending on the client... whether their account is ready for audit or not...
if it is really clashing... i have to postpone it to next year...
Monday, October 16, 2006
im sick
i know noting, just know i just need to join with them and copy together...
there are few company to select, i picked a new company... damm so many things need to copy... and the air-con in the director room is so cold... until i get cold...
lunch, we had our lunch at Sungai Wang... long time din have lunch at there leh... after lunch we continue back on race...
finally i finished my part and there is another new company for me to do... i just managed to finish some of it before we went back home...
we try to take taxi from beside the HSBC bank there... our destination is KLCC, nearby my office.
1st taxi charge usRM8, we dun want... too expensive jor...
2nd taxi come, is RM10
3th taxi come, is RM15... what the hell the taxi driver in KL... sigh...
tht time, we were thinking where the the Rapid KL bus... we waited about 30 minutes plus... it din show up... so we just take monorail back to office...
now feeling not so good... dun know why back to KL, suddenly cant adapt the life back... maybe the time in JB is honeymoon, where no worry about lunch, diner... and transportation as well...
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Isetan Sales
when im back to KL on firday night, i got the isetan catalog... it's sales again...
this time raya sales, 13-15 oct, member got additional 10% on top of 50%. Saturday got training until 4.30pm and after that i went to Lot 10. brought a bit...
then today to KLCC also brought a bit... there abit here abit... the amount become more bit...
this round, the situation is so so only, compared to last time member sales, lesser people...
Saturday, October 14, 2006
1st JB
it's seem that MAS dosmestic flight is no more exciting for me...
my 1st time was when flying to Penang for the stock take, and now i fly south to JB. no more excitement...
we took 10.40am flight to JB.
reached there, we have to start our works immediately and mostly we start preparing for the works... asking for account this and that....
horey, we are staying in the Golf resort country club... every morning, while we waiting for the client to pick us up, we saw a lots of rich people... loading their golf thing... sigh... while we all is going to works...
on friday, it's mooncake festival...
we so free and got nothing to do, so we went to Danga Bay... very nice... so nice... Penang gurney drive also can not match with it leh...
there got some1 is distribute "tanglung" for free... my colleage went to ask for it... total of 7 for each of us... we have our diner there... too bad, got not much choice for food... only malay food and some chinese cook.
after diner, we light up our tanglung... woot... 7 tanglung is walking together... 1 Gang...
we walked towards to Tanglung Festtival...
OMG... got singer come leh... it's Danial Lee Malaysian Idol and Yu Heng... so lucky we are... got chance to listen and watch the singer... my colleage even got chance to shakehand with them...
the peak of the festisval is LION dance... the lion is jumping around the metal... so nervours made by them.. besides that there also got the longest dragon... but the movement is not so nice... just long nia...
Saturday, we have to works... and some more works until 6pm... as client also work till 6pm and only after that is free to fetch us back to resort...
on Sunday, we went to zone duty free to buy cokcolate... and after tjhat we go to CIty Square starbuck online from 3pm until 7pm while we waIiting for my colleague who went to Singapore... after she come, we all together back to resort...
after back to resort, we guy is going down to zazuji... and also sauna... nice and enjoy it very much,....
now back at KL, quite miss the life in KL and also life in JB... where client is treat us lunch and diner for weekdays... we saved a lot from there... haha...
Monday, October 02, 2006
we really have fun there.. 1 bunch of auditor with 1 is not...
the schdule was on time... we take off at 9.00am... althought we got late abit for having our breakfast at petaling street.
and we reach jerantut as in the schdule... had our lunch there... which is very nice... the situation there is nice and good, and there are a lots of foreigner... hardly seldom can see a local there...
we were lucky... we got special offer from boss, as we going to take van directly to our chalet... with another 2 stranger girls... on the van, we found out that they are also in accounting line... same as us... one of them is working in big4, while another 1 is in commercial... wah... whole gang in the van is future accountant... i can not believe it... so "ngam".
we reached our destination on time the driver uncle's driving skills is damm good, is on par with the Initial D Takumi...
we meet back, and we talks a lots...
now im busy preparing for the JB trips tomolo... really short of time...
hope i can doing well on it...
Friday, September 29, 2006
3 days
finally i got it... leave approved...
just now meeting back friends... feel so excited... we chat a lots and exchange information...
tomolo start from 6.30am... im going out to petaling street nearby to gather... and our journey start from there...
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
monday brought at Carrefour @ RM16.99
Wednesday just now brought at Isetan @ RM16.00
sigh... i thinks im start to love Ribena...
is it maybe im influenced by the thread in LYN where got bunch of people is Ribena lover... mixed with them make me love ribena...
Isetan Sales
so today we all talk so much about the sales... what to buy, which item is cheap... bla bla la.... so today leave office on time and head to Lot10 for the plan.
oh shit... it's sold out... so dissapointed... and my mood is affected... lot 10 is quite less people buying... dun know why...
so i decided back to KLCC isetan... see whether got the thing i want or not... ther dun have also... sigh...
wah many people in each floor... so many people... feeling dun want to buy anymore...
finally i ended up bringing 2 Liter bottle Ribena back home... the cheapest ever i saw in the market... just selling for RM16.00 for today only... as i know on monday i just brought 1 the same thing in Carrefour nia... but cost me RM16.99
now im get ready for my Taman Negara trip... my fren fron Ipoh and Penang is coming down to KL here to gather and we all together start our journey...
Power Vantage Rocks
sigh... rm10 access fee for auto billing customer... and it's sound great...
when i back home, i called bank and want to find out more... i called the general line... and waited for so long... so i decided to use my phone-banking ....telebanking...
wah... so fast leh... it's good... hehe... i got the priority... hehe... rupanya i need to give 1 month notice... then can terminate lioa... tht's all...
so now i no need to worry about it... the cloud is clear now... horey...
Monday, September 25, 2006
Mash Potatoes
previously i was too impatient... take out the potato too fast... and it's soft outside and quite hard in the middle of the potatos...
now i got the timing... and it's all soft.... very nice to mash it... and it's really nice... although the standard is not like the 1 in KFC, but i very satisfied with what im doing now...
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
1st time to hear it... dun know what to expect from the brefing... but i thinks i will be benefits from there...
1st time doing presentation in the firm. quite nervours at first... and as i talks along, im getting my foot on the ground... feel comfortable...
my ways is throw your all into the sea and let your swim... from there you can learn more and more effective... that was a statement by our manager... sigh...
im wonder, how we going go through this high wave sea in peak... have to keep swimming.. and swimming... whoever who fail, will left behind... sigh...
this year, senior is lesser than previous year... and yet the works load is more than previous year as manager and supervisor requested us so many procedures need to follow and more workdone to be done...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
it's on 2 Oct... im so surprise... let me check on my taman negara trips date... OMG, it's the next day after u back from taman negara...
our training continues today... for 1st half day, the presentation is smooth and it's fast...
before lunch, the group's presentation is done... and is next group turn... it will be either tax or revenue part... if revenue part, then is my group and i have to present my part....
we got chances whether we choose to present today or tomorrow... whose know my group member is decided to go ahead with it...she dun want to feel pressure tonight and still modify the slide...
sigh... then i have to get ready for the presentation... revenue and cost of sales have presented and it's time up... 5.30pm...
then it's seem that my part is being ingored by manager. tomolo will be presenting tax part by other group.
while after training, we all who involved in the coming interim audit have to stay back, as another mananger will brief us up on important thing to note. during the briefing, the manager decided to ask 3 people to present the important part for us... tomorrow.
huh... tomorrow it will be the first 3 people present 1st, then i thinks i will get my turn... or else tax part which is quite important will get priority 1st, and my presentation will be postponed again...
Thursday 2.00pm we got tax seminar... for 2 hours... will my presentation on Thursday morning? next week onwards, everyone is going out for audit already, while for us who outstation to JB will only go out on 2 Oct... 1 week late than others.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Bad luck
in the morning,it's so worry about it... but the rain is small and seem like it's going to stop any minutes.
so i just din bother about it. as normal...
today seem it's raining abit, i come down early... and when im wanted to start my motor, i kicked so many times... and it's still dun wan to start...
then i change my spark... and still the same, 1 minutes, 3 minutes, 10 minutes... stil can not start...
from 7.45am to 8.00am i tried... so i gived up at 8.01am... decided to take LRT to go...
since im quite late, i decided to take taxi to LRT... sigh... so expensive... RM3.50... really long time din take taxi lioa...
8.45am im reached office... lucky the receptionist is not yet start to tick second tick on my sign in coloum... phew...
so sweating...
9.15am, i set up projector for training purposes...
training started...
after tea break, we all kena marah by manager... something is happened... but we dun know about it... just listening and he so mad about the matter...
5.30pm back home... take my motor to fix when im reach home... sigh... changed the faulty part for free, and later is due to another part which cause the breakdown... so changed it... and i changed my motor oil and filter... RM43 gone....
OMG... im not used with my motor anymore... it's changed... so sharky when change gear... he said ur problems can not be saved anymore... since want to save money...
sigh... sweating... so many problems is cause by this motor... old motor.. Old National motor... sigh... i thinks this will give me opinion that no second hand thing can be buy...
anti-second hand...
Saturday, September 16, 2006
a few questions bombed by him...and im almost cant reply... or dun know how to reply back!
Tan C A
that's the name appear on the list... sigh... thought my full name will be appear on it...
but im wrong...
it's seem quite a lots people who from Singapore, HK and China...
yesterday we have our promotion diner... at Nikko Hotel...
from 7.00pm we sit until 10.00pm...
the Buffet is International theme...
1st time eat oster...
1st time eat smoked salmon...
and also 1st time have buffet at Nikko hotel...
we enjoyed it very much... 1st round, 2, 3, 4, 5 and continue...
we eat a lots, talk a lots...
however, we concluded that this diner is represent the start of peak period... there will be no more like this kind of diner any more...
from end of September... start, busy busy busy...
no more good diner...
no more enjoyable diner
but what we have is just mamak, ta pau, eating at office for OT... at night...
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
it's really crazy the people... buying like no tomolo...
and pick like no budget...
people buy, i also buy...
this attitude had cause me RM100 poorer ...
my baby
why im feel like this?
it's because my laptop is just 13'3 inch a small laptop... which is only weighted 1.7KG, while my other colleagu's laptop is 15'4 inch laptop, weighted around 3KG.
they never complain about the weight of their laptop. i hate carrying 3KG laptop walking around... specially when need to walk for a long distance.
im anti-heavy weight laptop. i develop this anti feeling when im works at wisma UOA. Argh, for 2 weeks, i walked from office near KLCC to wisma UOA via KLCC tunnel. it's about 18 minutes walks. my shoulder is pain and hurt. From that movement i anti-heavy laptop.
Putting my laptop side by side with others, im the smallest.
anyway, im no regret have this laptop while carrying around.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Taman Negara trip
> 7.30am reports at KL near Pudu. NKS Hotel
> 8.30am The bus will begin the journey to Pahang.
> 11.45am arive at the Pahang NKS Hotel> 12.30pm Lunch
> 2.30pm go to taman negara
> 3.30pm go to gua telinga
> 7.30pm dinnner
> 8.45pm night walk-visit tahan hide at the forest>
2 Day
> 8.00am breakfast
> 9.00am canopy walk-the world most long canopy
> walk 525m
> 1.00pm lunch
> 2.00pm go to orang asli village
> 7.30pm dinner
> 9.00pm free leisure>
3 day
> 8.00am breakfast
> 9.00am back to kuala tembeling
> 12.30pm lunch
> 1.30pm take bus back to kl
> 5.00pm reach kl
got this timeable from friend who emailed to me... they are in Penang and ipoh...
hope wednesday when im back to office can get the good news from supervisor...!
Port Dickson
to BBQ...
we suan pian have farewell for senior...
before that, we went to bukit jahil to pick up another colleague... waited until 5.30pm only we depart to port dickson...
OMG... highway traffic jammmmmm... it's jammm
the jamm started after nilai exit... slow moving and sometime's it's stop...
we sien... and bored with it...
we trapped there for about 10km plus long and it's take about 1 hour plus for we to have a clear smooth of traffic...
Rupanya, there is a serious accident happend at kilometer 265
the Mercedes E class 200 is hit front and back... and it's very seriously hit at back...
my colleague car in front, tell us that they saw blood, brain tissue, eye, and organ...
we only reached our resort...> Palm Spring Resort around 8.15pm... sigh...
we quickly prepare everything and set up the fire...
BBQ started..
we start to BBQ...
chicken wing, mihun, kari chicken, hot dog, fish, and lastly pork...
the BBQ pork damm taste good... we finished it all...
after tht have a bath, resting...
the place we stay is a penthouse... 3,000 ft luas... 2 story... 4 rooms fit 16 of us...
some play mah jong, porker and cards...
we play until 3am... and some of us is continue to play... while some went to sleep...
morning, had our breakfast and a short walk at beach...
then back to KL...
finished... tht's my PD BBQ trips... tht all...
Sunday, September 10, 2006
feeling imbalance again...
im try to balance it...but it's fail again... sigh...
is this the life that i have to go through...? how long i have to going through this im-balance process making leh...
just now friend told me that H got called him for interview... but he rejected the interview... saying that the salary he heard is lower than his current job... he also like me, just passed exam and he got more paid than me... and he is desperate want to find the higher paid job than his current job...
sigh...showing off... suggested him to big4, then he said many lecturers suggested him to join PWC, but he said not interested...
B firm, say only will considered if fail to join big4... sigh... what d hack in his thinking leh...
while im not thinking of jumping around... feeling imbalance for it...
now doing half year review... i was given quite heavy task... 1st time i bring works to do... anyway, it's just a small works that i bring back to works... just cross reference...
Saturday, September 09, 2006
when back, it's raining...
i with my lappie so scared of raining...
i have to find place to hide it up from rain...
here i come to...
Pajabat Pos Malaysia Besar...
previously when i come to this place, im feeling happy and excited...
but now is the opposite... really hope that the rain can stopped it right away... wanna back home... now i dislike this place... this place is hunting me... but it once is my memoriable place...
dun know what happen to me...
where im wrong already... maybe is something that i wish not to thinks about... or whatever...
think is perfect, but action is hard... i bring some works back home to do... whose know i ended din do anything... just left it inside bag...
sigh... still feeling heart pain...
Thursday, September 07, 2006
im not so normal like old days...what is happened to me? i keep thinking...
what is wrong with me leh?
what is the reason make me like this?
suddenly feel heart break... without any reasons...
can feel the heart is pain...
then suddenly lonelyness...
but then so excited over the LYN... it's bcoz something interesting is happening....
having my life up and down...
within days,
within hours,
within minutes,
within second...
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
that is from Feet to Milimeter (mm)
hmmm.... many inch = 1 feet? many cm = 1 inch? many mm = 1 cm?
Questions 1 n 2 are see dead end... i need to refer to timetabel and looks for the conversion... and also have to confirm with colleage...
then 1 of my colleage suggest to me, why dun you just go and ask client... they know since they always deal with it...
im sense it is a easy way, feel a bit lazy to calculate it... so i asked client... the malay client dont know about it... and he asked another client...
suddenly i found im a nob for asking this kind of questions... and quicky get answer from client which is not the answer i wanted, i back to room... sendiri make the calculation and it's done in few minutes...
1 Feet = 12 inch
12 inch = 30cam
30cm = 300mm
it's serve as a guide... how many feet of the things = how many K of mm ...
lesson for the day:
for Mathematical, it is more easy to solve it myself... never depend on people...!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Bye Bye
she is studying medical...
last year my friend and his girl friend fly to UK for further their medical course...
now is my hometown friend...
have a nice journey, my friend...
Enjoy your new life in UK...
dun know what happen...
so i also join the trend... put turtle in my msn...
until just now, my friend told me the turtle is for Steve Irwin Dead...
when i 1st saw this news in TV, im shocked...
he is very passion in his program, and im enjoyed his show very much...
Good thing din last long...
it happen so suddenly...
let's us pray for him...
Monday, September 04, 2006
Good news
i forget start from which date till which date... din back to office... maybe the memo is out today already...
im so excited over it... hmmm 1 week, where and what i can do leh... but after that, my senior said, you can not back to office mean you will not need to works... you might need to works at home... as during Oct, it's quite rush for us...
hmmm... so how leh... have to wait and see... can not plan anything yet...
beside this, datuk told us about upgrading... that is buying audit software... where u just need to key in trail balance figure...and the rest is computer works...
hmmm... dun know much about audit program... have to wait and see...
but 1 thing for sure, im going to stay... to learnt more...
1st time
all the hardworks i went through previously will become history...
with this honey, i can do more complex things... at faster rate...
doing inventory sections...
so tired of calculating... can not perform by lappie...but have to count 1 by 1...
sigh... anyways, im back to track...
so long din audit... i almost forget how to write and the methods...
my mind is abit karak... need to polish up...
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Men in Black

together with us is our partner who newly promoted from manager...

Annual Diner @ Shangri La...

where im leh? guess... guess... lol...

Saturday, September 02, 2006
i din not expect it...
yesterday night, i went to Zouk with friends... we got the invitation to free entry...
and can get 2 beer of Heineken...
my friends and i were reached earlier, and they were went to bar, and order for beer...
6 jag of beer... is finished my 6 of us in 1 hours while we waiting for the entry...
im feel like flying... anyways, im still awake...
then we line up to enter... for FREE...
1st time enter to Zouk.... nothing much to expect... a normal pub...
while we were exchange quite a lots of beer...
originally 1 people entitled 2 beer... and i dun know how my fren able to get so many vouchers... for the exchange of beer...
from 9pm we stay until 11pm...
sit there... and listen to DJ playing music...
1st DJ quite bored...
2nd DJ is ok...
3rd and continue din hear it as we were leaving...
1st time, i drink so much... lucky not until vomit stage...
1st time, visit Zouk which is so nearby to my office... im just realised it... haaha
1st time, ride motor so slow... as im feeling flying...
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
i can not believed it... my uncle is working at Dell... im wondering why he is asking me about my laptop... and suddenly he said he works in Dell...
sigh... lucky i din tell him about i wanted to buy laptop... if not, im will be using Dell lappie already...
stil i liked Fujitsu so much...! horey...
stil, my uncle's topic, to congratulation me and stil talks about the same thing.... working in Singapore... this area, i got thinks about it... but i need some time to gain more experience to make myself more marketable and more bargaining power... in order to get a better offer...
while just before he wanted to to hang up, he asked whether i wanted a Kancil... this question mum asked me... but i rejected...
annual diner is coming... we all get busy... all have to stay back until 9pm o late... for the practice and the preparations...
I STILL CANT FIND KOT... for my prince wear...! haha... seem i have to called my uncle and ask and borrow from him already... if not i have to folks out quite some money to buy it...!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
when u going to jump leh?
while my senior is in the progress jumping to S...
other than this questions, there also a question, how much your salary will be increse leh? then i have to say no and explain the reasons behind it...
while another aspect, car... friends talking a lots about it... while im just absorb it...
Friday, August 25, 2006
ACCA list

Finalist list... im on the list... Horey...
i guess im not the 1st batch of my course whose name is appear on the list...
im thinking, when the ACCA UK going to Publish my name in Financial Times in UK leh...
Annual Diner
all new staff which joined after 26 Septermber 2005 have to perform...
Performance... this so powerful words had make few people in my group to tarik diri... they gave various reasons...
got class
go to vocation with family...
sigh... left us... who need to perform, everyday stay back office and practice...
the Theme of our annual diner is Princes and Princess...
it's sound ok, normal...
but deep in heart, it's hard to find cloths for it...
i need blazer... i asked my friend who works in G2000, how much is the cheapest available in G2000... guess what... it's 599... including pant...
wah lau... shit lah... im cant afford to buy that blazer just because of annual diner... waste of money...
no out of idea on what to wear...
Prince... im going need to be on Prince wear on 2nd of September...
what should i wear...
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
S Fever
ex-colleague are going there...
they managed to find a nice good recent jobs in audit...
my semi-senior is going to join them in Singapore....
as senior... offered S$3,000...
this wind is so popular discuss among us...
my senior offer us, who is interested can give her resume to try...
some how, no 1 is reaspon back to her...
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
1,2,3 we all passed...
we from same course...
we went to UK...
we travelled together...
we went Europe trip...
we eat together
we walk, take pictures ,
we talks...
we travel Barcelona together
we stay in same room in hostel...
we drink beer
we cycle
we take exam...
we at same centre...
we passed together...
we will convo together...
and again...
3 times of convo, we all together...
friends, see you there...
Monday, August 21, 2006
D-day is coming today...
today in the office, feel like normal...
based on past experience, once get the result, i will not feel like normal...
heart will be keep thinking...
on what should i do next...
in the office doing nothing...
thinking noting...
back at home... thinking should i on my PC and check my mail?
o what leh?
im thinking... if fail... how leh?
then i decided to go to buy diner and eat 1st... eat first before checks on the result...
else, if i get fail, my diner will be a bad diner...
no selera to eat my yammy burger and magi goreng...
Friends keep asking me, have you checked it ?
how was it ? i was thinking to check on the affiliate list...
dun want to check the result...
but seem i can not wait... i opened my mail box and waited for a while before i got dare enough to click on the mail...
praying hard... while im click the mail...
50, passed, 50, passed, here come the last paper.... i'm passed...
all passed...
Semi-senior is throwing letter...
she prepared 5 letters to be distributed to all managers and supervisor of my group...
while my friend who joined 1 month ago also throw lettter...
he got better offer...
friend who is assistant leaving is nothing, but semi-senior left... we going to be die...
just like throwing you in the sea, and let yourselves swiming back to land...
have to prepare tough life in front...
that day morning, senior gave letter to black manager, he reply, i dont want to see you and the letter, you better take it back...
while 2nd manager, when she gave, the manager face is suddenly turned from white to black...
third manager, no problems at all...
counting, thinking, positioning...
seems that only a few senior staffs left for my group... while assistant is whole lots of bunch...
assistant is going to be given semi-senior worksload to handle...
i dare not to imaging how the next wave that we going to be go through...
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Bad Guy
attendance list... i in-charge for it... asking everyone whether wanted to go or not...
not going then give reasons...
going just tick and sign...
not going tick and sign and give reasons...
control listing...
asign some 'sien' job to others... actually is Sub out...
keep watching watch... and keep track the result...
huh...2 hours only done 3 pages only ar... wat the hackk...
i complained to senior, whose know, unexpected, senior asked me to call all people involve in the job... it's 15 people... doing a group of companies...
senior is telling... telling...
warning... warning...
i thinks people will have another kind of attitude when with me...
while others might not...
long time din hear from him...
and suddenly he called...
it's an impossible mission to help him...
anyways, he seem very urgent...
sigh... thinking of something while he called...
disturd me nia...
he come, and compare...
aiks...whose know, he does not really need my favour...
is me who need his's favour...
before i managed to asked, he leaving...
never thought of how he will know about this...
and when he knew and compared, realised he is the newer version than i have it now...
how come?
why leh?
not fair...
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
im back on track...
derail last night...
just now, IMVU, damm funny...
really nice to have a gang of friends with IMVU...
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
a few sms reveal it...
from top of the mountain falls into low and moody payar...
thinking it back...
i missed the buses... no turning back...
seem im not on time...
late then only regret...
life keep move on...
hope it will be come soon...
Monday, August 14, 2006
today, is my mother side uncle's daughter full moon... most of my uncle is coming...
whose know, the same old issue come out... asking me :
how you go to works...
where you stay...
it's dangerous zone leh...
still staying there ar?
where your office?
why you not yet buy car ar?
it's dangerous to ride motor in KL...
u din hit people but is people hit you...
my fren's fren is hit by people...
Safety is anything more than money...
You can ask your mum to pay for down payment...
You dad is rich, should can afford...
a car is essential in KL...
You need it...
1 uncle 1 sentences... i kena bombed...
but im confortable with my current situation... riding motor...
i dare not tell them i ride motor too frequent...
just saying take LRT n sometimes only motor to works...
i delay buy car bcoz i can not afford to feed the car...
it's not about my dad got money o not...
i thinks in few days time, i will get call from mum regarding car...
while on where i stay, i say in Setapak...
where is quite far from the Dangerous Zone of dead people area...
i seldom go out at night...
if got go out, with friends...
hmmm... if i stay at other place, will the question from uncles be the same?
thinking, with car
i lost car rental parking...
i need to pay lots of petrol cost...
i need to jammed in traffic...
i need to wash car...
i need to battle with other cars...
i have to spend a minimum 45 minutes to reach office instead of 15min...
i have to pay parking fees instead of FREE now...
i have to wake up very early instead of 7am now...
i have to cut expenses...
i have to be more save than current situation...
with car:
i no need to worry
i no scare to hot sun and raining
i can fetch people
i can fetch more goods... from shopping...
i can travel with confortable...
i no need a car now...
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Work Loads Vs $$
in-house training, it's really give me in depth view of the real audit work done...
some of the procudures, i never know it before... while some are practising it...
it's the Evolution that MR intended to do....
this mean, we going to have much more work-loads...can compared to before... while my paid is still flat...
it's FLAT... no hike... while others they already got their hike... sigh...
Monday, August 07, 2006
WOW... really pretty and nice...
it's huge... and it's NEW...
the design is same as the 1 i saw in London... but in London there are a lots of this kind theathe...
while in Msia, KL Istana Budaya is the only one... sigh...
it's started, wo... i have the same feel when i watched The Phantom of the Opera... i liked it...
it's also like in London... when perform till mid part, it have 15 minutes breaks...
really up to standard...
too bad, i'm sitting on the highest level... see from high...
i thinks im falls in love with it...
Friday, August 04, 2006
feeling so surprise... dun know since when it started...
3 stations i passedby...and they all showing the same signbroad...
and the banner show " Faster payment on pump'
i got some doubt about it...
just now went to pump... originally i pump Shell, but due to that time, the shell station not yet upgrade, can not pay in pump, have to go to counter and pay...
so i switch to Petronas which i can pay in the pump... no need troublesome walk to counter and pay...
slot in my card... within few second, my payment is approved... wow...
it's faster than petronas 1...
i'm liked it very much...
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Puteri Gunung Ledang Musical

i finally brought it... since a long time of thinking... looking for friend to company...
anyway, non of them are interested...
so i do not want to delay it... after works, i immediately went to Istana negara to buy the ticket.
it's at upper circle...
i have experienced the most famous opera... that is The Phamton of the Opera... so now this time i wanted to compare local musical with the 1 i watched in London...
with ticket of 20 pound Vs RM30... i thinks there will be big quality different...
hmmm i should not compare directly...

so i joined them... wondering how come they suddenly interested in fishing 1 leh...
big fish small fish...
pool, lake, deep sea...
they are comparing the fishs that they got....
1 got his bigger fish than another 1 colleague...
his fish is in deep sea, while her fish is in lake...
his fish is defferent kind of fish form the current fish they have..
her fish also the same... it's near her house lake...
they are also comparing the fish they have now...
if they really going for fishing, then i can not dare to thinks of my futures...
wondering how hard n suffering i have to eat this current fish...
anyway, my colleague is on hold for fishing for another 2 months... waiting for getting new gadget...
from assistant crew to senior crew in the boat.... then he will get more power in fishing...
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Car Parking
shd be Thai Malay...
damm is a Thai... he dun have IC, only have passport number... i asked him to write down his IC, but he said he dun have IC and can not remember passport number...
seems that my control is quite ok... from this i know that he is not local... anyway, he is working at a shop opposite my Condo... he claimed he is manager there... bleh... who will believe u leh...
anyways, i believe in money... haha...
this time around, i managed to rent out quite high... i shd not give him discount... anyways, it's rented out...
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
a few questions from my aunty is reveal me that i'm a bored person... no target...
i missed an opportunity to earn $$$...
my aunty teach me that, if got any friends is wanted to buy new car, i can negotiate with the Salesman to earn some commission by recomenting my friend to him... while my friend and i can share the commission...
never thought of this idea...
so if u wanted to buy a new car, let me know... let me find the salesman... n try to get as much as commission... then u saved some money on buying new car... haha...
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Senior is leaving soon... we have farewell diner for him... at Rangezon... ( forget how to spell the name) at some where near the Bulatan Kampung Pandan...
it's famous for western food... very nice the food... and it's environment is quite enjoyable...
it's a 49 people big diner... we long long tables is occupied by us... almost our whole all the staff is attending it, and some of the ex-colleague...
i got chance to meet back senior, asking how their new job.... what is going on in the commercial line...
after our diner, there is second round... our normal practices.... haha... this time around, we went to Genting...
Spending 1 night there... and came down on Sat...
tht nigth we reached genting around 11.45pm... and went to walking around...and sure not forgeting the Casino...
after that we yam cha at Coffee bean... until 3.30am... went back to room... then start playing cards....
we played until 4 o 5am... then sleep...
my supervisor is wake up around 7.30am... then we continue to wake up...
planning to have breakfast... there r 2 people still sleeping... then suddenly one of my senior is suggesting he wantedd to belanja then 1 colleague is pop-up from bed... rush to toilet and wash his face... ready for breakfast...
after breakfast, we went into the casino again... i walking around... surveying around...
i followed another colleague to come down at 12.30pm...
reached home at 1.50pm... we have a stop at half hill... having our lunch...
back at home, i sleep from 2.30pm until 9pm... really lack of sleep on friday night...
after wake up, cook mee to eat... then went out to yam cha with friend until 11.00pm...
then 11.30pm i have second round of yam cha... with another friend...
until 2am... i back home n sleep...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Your EQ is 113 |
![]() 50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick! 51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese. 71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely. 91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that. 111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt. 131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin. 150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
1 day 1 apple
sound like i'm very free...
indeed i'm free...
got so many things wanted to do, but still, i'm got stick in front to lappie...
dun wan to do others things already...
colths is waiting me to lipat...
books is waiting me to read...
photos is waiting me to organise it n burn into DVD...
Initial D Fourth stage whole series is waiting me to see...
my cupbroad is waiting me to re-orgainise...
Monday, July 24, 2006
Oh Shit
i cant believed it... it is happening... sigh...
i was parking my motor at Kelana Jaya... waiting for colleague to fetch me to Shah Alam to audit...
it was a great day...
when it come to after works... sien... i was heading to Sri Petaling... then only fetch till Asia Jaya LRT station... then have to take LRT back to Kelana Jaya...
my colleague is driving Kancil... modified... OH shit... really long time din sit in Kancil car already... forget how the feel... now re-visit back... and Oh shit... it's like hell... the exhaust pipe is big 1... very noisy loud sound behind it...
suspension i thinks is changed... so hard... very unconfortable....
sigh.. i have to sit for it for few more days...
Saturday, July 22, 2006
1st went to H*BC to redeem the free gift - a watch.... Quart brand... dun know anything about this watch... but it's got nice design...
maybe 1 day u will see me wearing it... loving it...
after that, no where to go, then went to IKEA... to buy something that i wanted to buy since last visit... hope that it got Sales, discount on the item i wanted...
sigh... no discount... anyways, i'm still brought it. i'm loving it... IKEA's product is very creative... the products, u never thinks of it can be like that...
i'm learning from IKEA...
it's raining while i'm shopping in there... quite confortable inside there...
after rain, went back home... the rain is stopped...
on the ways going back home, i saw the ugly side of human...
drain is overflot, water is coming out and flow to highways...
trees is thundered falls on the road...
traffic jam in everywhere...
1 car is breakdown in the middle of the road...
and a few motorist is helping to tolak the car to the side of the road...
policeman also on the spot to help pushing the car...
Friday, July 21, 2006
suddenly i get heavier burden... so surprise... it's not about job but on financial aspect... sudden heary burden... have to re-think again...
it's Insurance... each month paying 200 for it... i thinks i wont be touching insurance for a long long time in the future...
what i buy is really more than enough than current situation. sometimes, i'm wondering, is it i need this much...
sadly i dun know how to say NO to it... it may sound good for ur future, but i'm suffering now... can feel the pain after this...
in the evening, my mum sms me, saying her visa supplementary card is charging RM100 for the annual fees... asking whether i got use the card o not...
and suggesting me to cancel the card...
it's already 1 year... charge RM100 for the annual fees, crazy man...
have to find ways to cancel my card...but i'm going out to audit... how to cancel leh...
have to tell mum back...
today went out to audit... helping in... just a small job... we 2 ppl finished early at 3.30pm and went back home already...
after that i went to KLCC Isetan to shopping for my working cloths and tie...
Thursday, July 20, 2006
very un-expected...
we all begin to busy...
1 team go to audit here
1 team audit there
1 team audit other there...
total got 3 teams going out to audit on monday... left only a few people in the office...
i was asigned to the farest place...sien...
have to take LRT to kelana jaya to meet my colleague then follow their car to client place...
dun know how long going to take for it...
hopefully it is short...
anyways, tomolo going out also...
that is 1 day job... all thing have to finished within 1 day... while i'm assisting my colleague...
planning for my weekend...
what and where i going to visit leh? ??
- redeem my free gift...a watch from H*BC...
- shopping
- shopping at IKEA
- movie? all movies watched... left not much nice movie left...
- sleeping
- yam cha
- buy FRS
wah lau... so many things... yet so less $ to spend on it...
sigh, have to save $$$ for future...
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
i was talking to client when my hp ringing... so i have to let the phone ringing without answering it...
after that i use office phone to call back the number... OMG rupanya it's H*BC credit card promotion centre customer service. i asking where is it, and what regarding about...
after that, i hang up. after about 5 minutes later, i got call, i'm thinking who is looking me in office leh? the H*BC again... sigh...
i guess they got record the incoming call number when i calling them just now... then i listen to her to creap...
to promote the auto-debit services...
anyways, i told them i already subscribe all the auto-debit... just that only Telekom bills is not yet activated...
then she suggest me subscribe here. i asking what is the main purpose you calling me? she said, i'm being eligible for choosen to be entitle the free customer service to subscribe the auto-debit services... they will do it for me...
i'm thinking this will be nice. i can subscribe my telekom auto-debit since it is not activated...
anyways, i din bring my card with me yesterday, so i unable to give the card number for the verification and also the telekom account number. then she suggest will call me back today and i get ready the card number and also account number.
so today she called again... i give my card number and also the telekom account number... then she read out all the terms and conditions... i'm listening it... after finished telling... and ask me whether i agree to it or not...
anyways, i managed to spotted 1 term... it is RM50 penalty for the cancellation within 1 year. i'm feeling i have to committed to this auto-debit services for 1 year... sigh... i dun want to committ to anything...
then i say i'm not agree to the terms and conditions....
END of Conversation...
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Imation brand... cost RM38 for 25 pieces... this dvd-r got life time warranty... and when u burn rosak, can get replacement... wo... so surprise to hear this...
now i no need to worry about rosak... when rosak can get replacement 1 to 1... i'm upgraded... previously is cd-r...
now with the new things... i can burn movie... drama... my colleague is now chasing so many nice drama... i thinks i'm going to borrow the dvd from them to buy.. then i sendiri can watch the drama when free...
horey... i thinks we afford to do this kind of crazy things right now... off peak...
sien... this word i always complaining to people, friends... people complain when he get busy... and when he free, he also complain... sigh...
last 2 days, office is shock with news... 2 managers is being promoted to Partners... at 1st... dun know how to reaspon to this... just sit and listen to others... while digisting the news...
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Call conferencing
1 fren from UK, while others 4 are in Msia...
total 5 of us is talking at the same time... so great...
the sound quality is good...
Monday, July 10, 2006
nothing to do for 1 week already...
today, finally got job assigned...
but it's sound like a tough job...
is doing 2 years audit... back date to 2004...and this year 2005...
for the past 1 weeks, i'm back at 6.00pm...
very early...
then back at home, dun know what to do...
thinks i have to find some thing to do...
to keep me busy...
thinking... thinking... thinking...
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Road Block
i was stopped, checked...
they took my IC and lesence and copy down the information...
then i asked the policeman..: Bang, ini salin untuk apa? police replied: untuk check saman... kalau tak bayar, kami akan ke rumah anda... "
what the hell... i;m get struck...
after this, it is really make my feeling imbalance in heart... sigh...
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
they said although the experience did not count... but it help in faster promotion...
sigh... i'm just getting my foot stable only... still hungry for learning in my current firm... but it's now is off peak for me. i did not busy as others... in office helping every one who need my help...
i thinks i will stay until next year... off peak...
Penang trip
on Tues 27-june-06
leave office after lunch... going back to home and packing... then rest. i come out at 5.00pm. Take taxi from setapak to Wangsa Station. then to KL Sentral.
Ride KLIA Express to KLIA... it's fast... only take 28min to reach KLIA airport... this ride, reminded me of the EuroStar... i missed the old day in Europe...
take high speed train which running at 300km/hr... while the KLIA express here is just at half of the speed only...
i broaded MAS plane on time, but it did not depart on time... 7.40pm flight only depart at 8.00pm...
i reached penang at 8.30pm... and managed to get out of airport at 8.45pm... waiting at main door for friend to pick me... She drive me to Hotel, i checked in, then we and others friends together go to yam cha...
i cant believed it, my KL friend is having holiday in Penang...we meet in Penang... beside with Penang friends... really happy to meet back friends...
stocktake at Alor Setar... 7.30am we deaprt from Penang... client belanja breakfast... we have a tasty WAN TAN MEE... Yam Yam...
afternoon, we have Seafood...
stocktake at Permatang Pauh... breakfast at Butterworth... Loh Mee... very tasty also...
lunch, seafood again...
after that i went back hometown...Horey...
in hometown... but very friends is coming back... i'm alone... wanna find friends watch WorldCup together also fail...
Morning i come out to secondary schmate is coming to fetch me... we have lunch with CHAR KUAY TEOW, Penang Laksa, Cendol - my favourite...
i can not believe it... my friend is spending RM400 for his girl friend's photography... it's expensive and good quality... the photo album is nice... his gf in photo is pretty...
5.10pm flight from Penang to KL...
7.30pm i reached KL home...
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
u have to do it
today keep thinking this GOOD advise...
when thinking of this words, bad things happen...
suddenly got call is looking for me... i'm surprise... guessing who will be looking for me leh... i thought is the credit card people who calling for verification on the auto-debit...
whose know my guess was wrong... it was a client... who from Muar... she know that my senior is resigned, and that why is looking for me on her question...
OMG, She disagree with the account previously prepared by my senior...client is disagree on 1 sentences... i talked to manager asking for opinion... my client was right... then have to change account... lucky... only 4 pages affected...
shit, today works OT until 9.30pm... on the morning i got nothing to do... not so busy... just helping any1 who need help... afternoon also the same... until 4.00pm, my real works come... and it also tough job... busy until 9.30pm...
manager keep asking me to change... amend... amend until his satisfy... sigh...
Kancil/Kelisa Replacement Model

Sunday, June 25, 2006
in the seminar, i found that it's quite useful... and some of it i just read it recently...
in the seminar, most of us is busy with predicting WC score... guessing who will win... and the score as well...
Got my air tickets... 1st time flying domestic... dont know how's my feel... hope it will be a nice experience...
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Stock Take
excited because can stock take... and also it's in Kedah and PEnang... so far... have to take plane to go there...
Wednesday and Thursday... is the day of stock take and i will be leaving KL on Tues evening... take 7.40pm flight...can go back home early... hehe...
Friday applied leave and get approved on the same day... hehe...
so i can go back to hometown and enjoy... and also at the same time taking plane... MAS airlines...
Sunday coming back to KL via Plane... 1st time take domestic flight... from KUL to PEN...
the minus thing is i have to go ALONE...
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
today, i witnessed the truly powerful account assistance... she is expert in EXCEL... n also very familiar with the accounting software... she extracting information from the system and export to excel... damm fast and also all the formula she also know...
anyways, she forced me to stay with she until 7.30pm... all is her faults... din give me answer early... when back to office, kena scored by senior, asking why so late only come back... the jobs surppose is mean for half day... ai...
Monday, June 19, 2006
about in 3-4 days... never expect it will happened so fast...
Sat 10-june-06
1st weekend after exam...
on friday, my brother keep sms me asking when i can give him my PC for his uni use... so mah fan... working already fan... now this ... anyways... an opportunity come by when i got gathering on Thursday night at Berjaya Times Square StarBucks... i went early... so i go to low yat jalan jalan... wo... a notebook bargains at low yat... wo.. and my targeted lappie... it's on sales... it so cheaps compared to normal price...
so i went to many things i asked... 1 by 1... and finally the price... this was on Thursday... i told my mum about it...
and on friday night, my aunty, called me, saying she might also wanted to get 1 lappie... we can go together and bargains for better price...
so we meet up at low yat plaza on sat. my aunty, really KENG... i really admire her... she manage to reduce price further 100 than the price i enquiry on thursday... next time when want to buy somethings, is it better to bring gal together... haha...
sent my PC to my brother in melaka... MMU... is a quite ok campus there... accomodation is ok... ourside the campus, got 3 private apartment... renting to MMU stduent...quite big the room...
got my new lappie... busy with it...try to use for it... enjoying... at night while i enjoying my life ...whose know i hand gatal, go to click the link that piano sent to me...on msn... and my anti-virus detected a virus... shit man... this time will be mah fan and will be busy lioa...
Saturday, June 17, 2006
but i'm wrong... sent off my old antic to aunty already...tomolo 7am have to go out to meet her and then together to go to Melaka to visit my brother...
now using new gadget... feeling excited... and also feeling very hurt... burned a big hole in pocket already...
today, took my motor to repair... the major repair... damms... rupa the previous mechanic din not change new spare parts... he even use 2nd hand spare parts to replace... sigh... i'm going to do something with this... watch out...
the newly repaired motor, damm nice... i'm loving it... the mechanic give me guarantee should have anything wrong, just come back to him... i'm feeling nice... Leganya...
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
demon in exam
today i meet 1... it sit beside me... damm bad luck... the demon keep pressing the calculator... and some more very lound the sound and very fast... seem very expert... anyways, it's just paper 2.4... what the hell pressing the calculator so lound... it really hits on me... i have a slow start.... sigh...
talks about exam...
1st time, 1st time ever leave TARC for other exam centre to take exam... quite sad to leave TARC...
whose know, rupanya leaving is a good things... i saw other things than in surprise... really surprise...
1st, handphone is allowed to bring inside the exam centre... and u just need to switch off and put in pocket o off ur desk... that's all...
2nd, the desk...really a heaven for us who from luasnya... open both side papers and question papers stil have space... syok-nya... haha...
3rd, first day i sit on 5th floor... 2rd and today we sit on 10th floor... really a nice view to enjoy leh... if i dont know how to do the questions... hehe...
OMG it's start raining at 12.15pm...shit lah... how to go to exam centre lioa... can not ride motor anymore... so have to take taxi to go there...
tomolo back to works... really long time din works lioa... brain dead... hope tomolo can pick up back...
my Consultant
shit... demon is around me...
so scary...din expect my aunty will do it for me... sigh... i called my aunty, she said 1 is for grocery, another 1 is for fuel expenses... ~~~ i myself got apply 1... total 3...
on the other side, my mum suggesting that to buy a second hand car to travelling around and use for works... that day she came over, and i just listen to her... all her thinking and thoughts... din to go analysis in depth...
today, when the time i called my aunty, she know about my mum suggestion... and telling me her view...
she start from my salary 1st... then start to deduct my salary...
potong EPF and sokso 250, insurance 200, food and drinks 450 (based on estimated 15 each day), fuel 50 per weeks full tank and car installment ... and finally i left nothing in my account... i even can have negative balance... din plus the entertainment somemore...
some more second hand car, the maintenance cost is high, whose know when this spare part will fail... while save from now, and buy a new car, will have more economic fuel consumption and less maintenance cost...
seem i do not need to worry about my financial... hehe...
Saturday, June 10, 2006
why this is happening? actually i'm not a very good football fan, hardly watching any match... how come this round, i was eager to watch?
Maybe due to my surrounding factors? the mamak nearby? if got 1 goal is scored, i can hear the GOAL sound from outside... there are so many mamak around my condo... sigh...
next week, 2 more days exam time...
after exam, have to back to works...
quite long time din works, dont know what will facing soon...
now is exam pressure, after that is works pressure...
pressure is around...
nie yau yak li, wo yau yak li, tai cha dou yau yak li...
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Greatest Motor
just now watching Discovery Channel the Greatest Motorcycle in the world... when i on d tv, it already showing the number 3 motor....
that is an Honda CB 750 (K0). the great thing about this motor is it have d sound of Farrari... d host saying close your eye and listen to the sound, and u will thinks this is a Farrari standing in front of it... when he started the motor it's really sound like Farrari... but 1 thing about this motor is... mean too good on the handling...on breaking... and it's tick all d box...
unlike Harley and Italian motor, where they have sensation and emotional.... tht's what d host mention....
2nd ranked is Ducati 916, it's sex.... a racing motor on d road... nice design, V-twin engin... i was thinking, how nice if i can get this 1 in future... Vroom...Vroom... but it's will be 10 or 20 years later...
1st ranked...... i really cant believe it...i rided it before... and it's my main transportation during my studies in Penang... seeing this motor on d 1st rank, i'm suddenly feeling so high and pround of it... being d rider of this motor...
it's Honda Cub... Honda C50 is d original... now have Honda C90 which is the 1 i ride last time in Penang. why it is the greatest motor leh? for history thing, we got studies in paper 3.5 case study...part of it ( for detail find 3.5 case study) haha...
Honda used the slogan You meet the nicest people on a Honda as their slogan when Honda Cub was introduced to the US market.
Honda C50 is a simple motor, simpliest engin...
in the show, the host try to destroy the motor... by replacing the engin lubcricant oil to COOKING oil... and it still move... enging started...
next is taking 4 times heavier than the motor, that's about 200kg good... it's still moving...
final task, dropped the motor from 22 meter, that's about 5 floor high flat... after that the host try to start the motor, and it's started... and it's proved to be greatest motor in the world...
ps: this just make me sad in the other hand... soon i have to spend huge some of money to repair my national motor so called Modenas... sigh... having greatest motor in d past, but stil i'm now riding another teruk powerless motor... ai...
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
ai... i went to another shop for my motor maintenance... he can guess what i changed my components last time... and he is firmly saying that the mechanic din change d component... as my engin very noisy... if it would be changed then my engin will not be this noisy...
talking about cost... he asked me last time how much i spended for the major ovalhaul.... i reply is RM500++... and he can firmly give me quotation that my cost of repair would be around 300-400... maximum will not over RM500...
sigh...have to incurred another money... what can be done leh...
there are few option i can be done:
1. Transport back motor to hometown, then buy new motor.
2. Take it to fixed.
3. Dont use motor any more.
it's appear that the second option is incurring the least money compared to other 2.
hopefully this time i meet a good mechanic...
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
beside that, 2 missing in acting people is also showing leh... so surprise... they missing in act since joined big4... now they show up... really good...
3 big4 fren, 1 outsider which is our main reason have this streamboat, 2 medium firm and 1 small firm but with high paid and lastly 1 doing nothing.... he goreng his boss...
total of 8 of us... from 8something we sit down, ate until 10 something... our main topic, 1 firstly talked about travel...where to travel in Sept.... then topic changed to AUDIT.... all kind of thing happened during audit...
so many stories we heard from them... and also we laugh all the ways...
Sunday, May 28, 2006
it's come and go....
passingby here for a while...about 2-3 weeks....
now all things done...get sloved... just now.... tonight...
my IRC come and gone....
as my revision come. started, stil can not end yet....
have to add more speed than usual...
Saturday, May 27, 2006
i was in Monaco Grand Prix

just now watched the F1 Monaco Grand's reminded of me... i was there before...
now watching back... really miss d nice place leh....
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Da Vinci Code

just now went to One Utama to watch da vinci code... feeling excited about the places inside the movie...
i was there before... so nice d feeling... on d other side feel quite down because i din take time to visit d places... just be there, took pictures and towards next destination... i wish i can go back and visit again with more time... and have a look for Mona Lisa Smile... the real painting...
i was so close to near yet so far... never go in the museum to visit...
Monday, May 22, 2006
my house microwave is breakdown...can not cook magi anymore... so i brought gas stove from Carrefour... and also wanted gas for it to cook...
aiks...dun know where to buy it... asking around... this fren dun know tht fren know, but dun know it's price...
then finally i go out and round...round around prima..and teratai mewah atas there... saw a grocery shop with gas tude... so happy,... so go to ask the price...
RM50 for the Tong.
RM22 for the gas...
total RM72..for a small tong gas...
aiks... RM22 feeling quite expensive...
at night i asked fren who staying condo beside me, but he din know the price... ai.. seem tomolo have to ask lioa... n decide...
a small matter, i used so many time to do it, do compare price... y i act like this? i also dont know...
Get my priority worng... at this movement, study is my 1st priority...
Friday, May 19, 2006
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Peugeot 206 - Naza

The Naza 206 Bestari will cost you RM68,888 on the road with insurance for private registration. This makes it pretty competitive as it is cheaper than it’s competitors like the Chevrolet Aveo and the Hyundai Getz. The Peugeot 206 is a great car, and Naza has provided us with a nice alternative at a cheaper price even though it’s pretty much just a re-badge. The Peugeot 206 is Peugeot’s best selling model and it’s engineering and technology is proven. The Naza 206 Bestari comes with a 3 year or 100,000km warranty, whichever comes first.
Monday, May 15, 2006
very unexpected... jobs keep coming... all small small jobs... as i going to take real long leave start on Thurs, cant go out audit...
check admendment, admend figures, chasing audit questionaire from oversea...HK, Singapore, Thailand and local as well...
phtostating also...
today back to office so surprise, all PC is NEW...Win XP some more...monitor 19 inch... wah lau... suddenly can not adapt leh...
althought PC looks nice, pretty and good, but it's real capability is very low... checked it's specification P4 2.66G, 192MB RAM... HDD forget to see... it's running like turtle... preview document take damm lots of second, and printing as well... sot sot d lioa... even my PII WinXP is better than the 1 in office...
when i can get the perfect PC leh? i'm wondering...
OMG, i discover i have problems with my eye... my left eye...
got 1 time, i can not see clearly what is being wrote in broad... i thinks that's becoz i'm too tired... wanna falls as sleep lioa...
then dont know how, and why, i put my hand to cover my right eye, my left eye see blur blur on broad... SHIT la... something wrong lioa...
then cover my left eye, my right eye is ok... no problems...
then my fren suggest me use left eye see through small hole through hand... see if u can see clearly o not... yes... i can see cleary... this is bcoz the small hole make ur eye focus, now it's proved, my eye got something wrong...
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
annual fee waived for 3 need to call to to threaten to cancel card lioa... haha...
hope that it dun have any hidden terms and conditions which will cause me hard to follow... :P
started Intensive revision class today... this time round, no rush, no clash... no other things need to prepare and also no 4 papers... hope that i can do well in exam in 1 month time...
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
1st, car park is tenant is moving out, so my car park is empty...
then come medium room tenants, who finished his exam and study in TARC... planned to further study at MMU or whatever Uni which accept him...
and today, my roomate, who also going to complete his studies in tarc also want to move out...
now i got 1 people wanted to moved in... is small room housemate's fren... he either will stay at medium room and get a roomate or with me... while i can rent out the medium room...
now the ball is in my hand... i can do whatever i want... my exam is coming... hate this when this happen at this timing... last time also like this... ai...
while on my cash flow site, there will be huge outflow and inflow... it's just timing matter... one out faster and in slower... o the opposite side... i can hole other deposit... to preserve my cash flow... and also pay the unsettled bills...
now i have to do the maths... deciding what rate is most suitable for me... or else i rugi...
staying 1 people in 1 room? quite expensive to afford it...
sometimes i'm asking why u stil staying at there... here is getting packed... while my fren is going to move to TTDI in july... and he will buy a new car...
everry1 is buying car... while when is my turn leh? Vios, until to date, this car is the great car brought by my fren among us...others, kelisa is mostly brought by my penang fren, KL fren got Kenari, and others is old car from family.... she damm lucky, get old loan rate... and hold her loan and she get discounted car price.... cheap loan and cheaper car...
Monday, May 01, 2006
1000 SMS for RM1
at 1st i was lunch with fren while received this sms from fren telling me about the 1000sms...
anyway i tried's no harm to try since it only charge RM1.00 exchange for 1000 sms...'s true... wa lua... i'm damm happy...feeling like kena lottery...1000 sms to be spend... within 12 hours...i cant imaging it....
send...send... send... from 12pm fingers is non-stop pressing my hp....
tired... give up lioa... back to study and have a sleep...
fren sms me... i sms back... revenge... i bombing my fren... hehe
anyways...i stil left a lot more...
Conclusion of the day:
i was ruined by this... original plan to study... whose know only able to study a bit...