last night, about 9.50pm i went out to meet friends for yam cha. initially they said wait at Sunway's Caltex there and there will be someone to fetch us to SS15 yam cha.
i took New Pantai Express highway to sunway, as i had miss the junction turn into Federal highway. just keep going without stop. it just took me about 22 minutes to reach Sunway from Setapak. then i got call that they have change plan. i have to go to SS15 sendiri, wait at Inti there. Lucky i got went to there before, i still rememebr how to go there.
Asia Cafe. just opposite the inti college.there is our yam cha place. 1st time came to this place. not bad. but the drinks quite expensive, including 5% government taX. :(
this time yam cha, i 1st time meet 2 friends, and another friend is second time after 1 year yam cha ago. 1st friend, CW is same line with me, auditor. he now working in PWC, and his attitude just like my friend,S just tht CW is taller. haha. 2rd friend,JL now studying graphic design. i got chat with her in msn but i forget her lioa. while my 3nd friend,A which i second time meet him, is a programmer.
i'm quite enjoy yam cha with them. talked a lots of topic. i really happy can know them. looking forward to yam cha with them soon.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Friday, December 30, 2005
last night, it was really crazy for my housemate and roomate plus an outsider which is my housemate's friend. 3 people play mahjong from 1am until 6am... if i'm not wrong... i sleep at 1am they already played and when i wake up at 6am bcoz noisy from roomate, they still playing...
i can not sleep well last night, as my teeth is hurt, sikit-sikit pain in mouth. really not sleeps very well...
Just now, called Dei. rejected the assessment on 4 jan. she asked me what the reason, and i told her that i already get a job at MR, that why have to reject. feel not very nice about it. then she answer that, it's ok, she will take off me from the list...
a very short telephone conversation, ended like that.
New Year is coming... feel excited, but deep in heart very lonely. now do not have any plan yet. most of my friends busy with their works, stock-take... and some wanted to have yam cha session, but the place is too far from here setapak. aiks..
i can not sleep well last night, as my teeth is hurt, sikit-sikit pain in mouth. really not sleeps very well...
Just now, called Dei. rejected the assessment on 4 jan. she asked me what the reason, and i told her that i already get a job at MR, that why have to reject. feel not very nice about it. then she answer that, it's ok, she will take off me from the list...
a very short telephone conversation, ended like that.
New Year is coming... feel excited, but deep in heart very lonely. now do not have any plan yet. most of my friends busy with their works, stock-take... and some wanted to have yam cha session, but the place is too far from here setapak. aiks..
today, went to 3 banks.
1st HSBC.
i went there to collect security device which is their new measurement to improve the security. i initially thought it will be a device connected to computer, and put my thumb on it and scan... but it's seem i'm wrong. haha
HSBC really creative, they can come out so advanced security control system, yet so simple! it let me feel confidence when i do my e-banking online.
the device is numbered with series number, and there is a small screen on it and a button. after login in my username and passwords, i have to press the button, and the screen will appear 6 number digits. each time press, it will come out different number. i thinks for the elder people, they will take this opportunity to buy the number each time they press! haha...
2rd Public Bank headQuarter
i went there to open a saving account for my employment. filled in 2 form, waited for a while and it's done. there are few surprise i get from public bank.
1. the e-banking, i thought i need to apply through ATM machine, but no need. save my time.
2. althought it save my time, but i only can login to PBB e-banking after 6pm today! aiks...i thought i can back home and login it, then i can make a comparision with BigBrother Dissapointed
3. the money i banked in, can not check from ATM machine on the spot. the officer told me i only can check the balance after 1 hour. aiks... upset with this... i thought bank nowadays is ONLINE, REAL TIME. really dissapointed with this.
3nd Public Bank jln genting Kelang
i need to do something at there, pressed the number, it show 1729. the Current number is 1628! Wo...101 people in front of me! come? is it now is 30-Dec? friday? 2005 is going to end soon...
1st HSBC.
i went there to collect security device which is their new measurement to improve the security. i initially thought it will be a device connected to computer, and put my thumb on it and scan... but it's seem i'm wrong. haha
HSBC really creative, they can come out so advanced security control system, yet so simple! it let me feel confidence when i do my e-banking online.
the device is numbered with series number, and there is a small screen on it and a button. after login in my username and passwords, i have to press the button, and the screen will appear 6 number digits. each time press, it will come out different number. i thinks for the elder people, they will take this opportunity to buy the number each time they press! haha...
2rd Public Bank headQuarter
i went there to open a saving account for my employment. filled in 2 form, waited for a while and it's done. there are few surprise i get from public bank.
1. the e-banking, i thought i need to apply through ATM machine, but no need. save my time.
2. althought it save my time, but i only can login to PBB e-banking after 6pm today! aiks...i thought i can back home and login it, then i can make a comparision with BigBrother Dissapointed
3. the money i banked in, can not check from ATM machine on the spot. the officer told me i only can check the balance after 1 hour. aiks... upset with this... i thought bank nowadays is ONLINE, REAL TIME. really dissapointed with this.
3nd Public Bank jln genting Kelang
i need to do something at there, pressed the number, it show 1729. the Current number is 1628! Wo...101 people in front of me! come? is it now is 30-Dec? friday? 2005 is going to end soon...
Beloved teeth

this teeth always hurts me when i get hot or sick. now i know the reason, and decided to cabut it. no turning back...
1 whole in my mouth will always reminds to brush teeth longer and make sure each teeth is brush.

Thursday, December 29, 2005
again, i was wrong. all the while i was thinking that i'm right, whose know i get wrong at last when i asked her.
i thought i do not need to worry and 'fan' about works anymore! whose know yesterday after i cabut my teeth, rest at home, sleep for a while until 6pm i wake up,i got call from Delot ask me to attend assessment on 4 JAn. i suddenly dun know how to reply, just know want to delay it.
4 Jan is my second day of working, it is not nice to take leave on that day, which i thinks so. i wanted to stick to MR and attend my class.. learn as much as i can.
i thought i do not need to worry and 'fan' about works anymore! whose know yesterday after i cabut my teeth, rest at home, sleep for a while until 6pm i wake up,i got call from Delot ask me to attend assessment on 4 JAn. i suddenly dun know how to reply, just know want to delay it.
4 Jan is my second day of working, it is not nice to take leave on that day, which i thinks so. i wanted to stick to MR and attend my class.. learn as much as i can.
Back to hometown for few days, there are a lots of changes in home.
1st, no more online at home, since mother have move the PC to shop and do her UBS transactions. Moreover, my house phone was cut, this is due to our Indonesia maid calling back to her hometown without letting us know. Mum angry about this and did not pay the bills, let the telekom cut the phone, so that the maid can not call back to home. aiks...
2rd, it is a boring Christmas at hometown. Friends did not come back to Serdang, but they heading to Penang to celebrate..aiks.. i'm alone at home watching TV3. Really hard to find some1 in hometown.
3nd, my teeth hurt again. pain for whole day, and at night i ate 2 panadol when i feeling i wanted to fall sick. whose know my teeth not hurts anymore. so on the next day, i went to see dentist and tell him my situation. 'Doc my teeth pain yesterday and now it no pain anymore.' it's a big problems. your teeth have dead, and the arteri is rosak, blood can not go through it smoothly. you will get hurt when ur body is hot and when u falls sick. it's depends on your body healths.the dentist even showed me the pictures, explain to me. got 2 ways, the expensive and cheap way.
Expensive cost about 700 and there is risk there... and the process is very complicated and complex...1st, have to dig out all the thing, clear ur arteri to deep, then refill it.
Cheap way, is to cabut it... the dentist too good lioa...talked so much...let me sikit masa to thinks about whether want to cabut or leave it. but i want my pain gone without worry when my teeth will hurt me again!
Finally i decided to cabut it. aiks...i should pay attention to what the dentist said. HE said, Master, PHD, bla bla bla you can get it if u want it. but for teeth, once you lost it, you would not get it back! but i thought, what if i get sick and my teeth hurt again? it will be always my concern and the pain will follow me when i sick!
besides that i asked about my teeth which other dentist said need operations. he even showed me the x-ray which i took last time. extractly the same situation, he also explain the risk involved and time taken. it is ok to leave it at the movement! this words make me feel comfortable and relief! Finally can put down the heavy rock in my heart!
1st, no more online at home, since mother have move the PC to shop and do her UBS transactions. Moreover, my house phone was cut, this is due to our Indonesia maid calling back to her hometown without letting us know. Mum angry about this and did not pay the bills, let the telekom cut the phone, so that the maid can not call back to home. aiks...
2rd, it is a boring Christmas at hometown. Friends did not come back to Serdang, but they heading to Penang to celebrate..aiks.. i'm alone at home watching TV3. Really hard to find some1 in hometown.
3nd, my teeth hurt again. pain for whole day, and at night i ate 2 panadol when i feeling i wanted to fall sick. whose know my teeth not hurts anymore. so on the next day, i went to see dentist and tell him my situation. 'Doc my teeth pain yesterday and now it no pain anymore.' it's a big problems. your teeth have dead, and the arteri is rosak, blood can not go through it smoothly. you will get hurt when ur body is hot and when u falls sick. it's depends on your body healths.the dentist even showed me the pictures, explain to me. got 2 ways, the expensive and cheap way.
Expensive cost about 700 and there is risk there... and the process is very complicated and complex...1st, have to dig out all the thing, clear ur arteri to deep, then refill it.
Cheap way, is to cabut it... the dentist too good lioa...talked so much...let me sikit masa to thinks about whether want to cabut or leave it. but i want my pain gone without worry when my teeth will hurt me again!
Finally i decided to cabut it. aiks...i should pay attention to what the dentist said. HE said, Master, PHD, bla bla bla you can get it if u want it. but for teeth, once you lost it, you would not get it back! but i thought, what if i get sick and my teeth hurt again? it will be always my concern and the pain will follow me when i sick!
besides that i asked about my teeth which other dentist said need operations. he even showed me the x-ray which i took last time. extractly the same situation, he also explain the risk involved and time taken. it is ok to leave it at the movement! this words make me feel comfortable and relief! Finally can put down the heavy rock in my heart!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
aiks... my casing hot again... just now i feel it, and it hot... i found out my fan is stopped... but how come? i already make it running... aiks...
i have to always remind myself to feel the casing... love the computer, dont let it hot! my antic PC do not breakdown at this movement. i can not afford to lose you now! i got many Gig of photo inside you.
i'm still waiting for others to pass my pictures from their digicam. Friends, where are you? what are you busy for? Where is my photo?
i have to always remind myself to feel the casing... love the computer, dont let it hot! my antic PC do not breakdown at this movement. i can not afford to lose you now! i got many Gig of photo inside you.
i'm still waiting for others to pass my pictures from their digicam. Friends, where are you? what are you busy for? Where is my photo?
wo... my PC nearly burned just now. ai... old PC, the power supply fan is old, and i have to manually make the fan pusing... if not, my casing will be hot, then PC will hang in order to aviod being burn kua. when it serious, i can hear 'tic',' tic' sound from my casing.
last time, i did not complain about my computer speeds, as it can give me surfing, watch moive ( although sometimes it abit lag), listen music and others normal staff.
i installed Skype, manage to find few friends to test for the quality of the skype. for those who do not know about skype, let me explain here.
Skype is a software that enable 2 user using skype software to talk over internet. people call this as VOIP ( Voice Over Internet Protocal) 2 user must have mic so that can talk over net. i tried this before in UK with friend from Malaysia. during that time, it got abit lag, maybe due to slower broadband of my friend in Malaysia.
While when i back to Malaysia, KL i tired this with friends agian. this time, it is a different story. it's have the quality of telephone. i enjoyed it very much. can talks to friends FREE. then it got a problem with my computer. My computer become slow, and i can not do other things beside talking with friends when using skype. i really wish to have a new powerful PC!
last time, i did not complain about my computer speeds, as it can give me surfing, watch moive ( although sometimes it abit lag), listen music and others normal staff.
i installed Skype, manage to find few friends to test for the quality of the skype. for those who do not know about skype, let me explain here.
Skype is a software that enable 2 user using skype software to talk over internet. people call this as VOIP ( Voice Over Internet Protocal) 2 user must have mic so that can talk over net. i tried this before in UK with friend from Malaysia. during that time, it got abit lag, maybe due to slower broadband of my friend in Malaysia.
While when i back to Malaysia, KL i tired this with friends agian. this time, it is a different story. it's have the quality of telephone. i enjoyed it very much. can talks to friends FREE. then it got a problem with my computer. My computer become slow, and i can not do other things beside talking with friends when using skype. i really wish to have a new powerful PC!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Signed the letter lioa. i can feel the relief and i'm more relax.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
finally i get the answer from BO... i was not sucessful. after that i called MR to accept the offer and tomolo morning will go and sign the letter of employment. left 1 thing to do, is call up PF to reject it. do not know what i'm going to face! will it like as MR talking how good is their firm? then it will make me feel undecided again leh. again i can feel i lost some thing by rejecting PF, while i will gain another thing by accepting MR.
today went to KLCC, i did not notice i was kena BOMB from sky. aiks... lucky i was wearing helmat with face protection and jackets. if not, i dare not thinks of it. some more i'm wearing England jessy.
tomolo, i will know when i'm going to start works and i will be free until Jan. Back hometown for a rest, find as many friends as i can. and will come out on 30 Dec and preparing for my works.
ACCA class is going to start soon. fee needed to pay for it. $$$ all is about money.
some more CNY is coming, thinks of what kind of cloths want to buy? Formal shirt for CNY? save money, do not need to buy others kind of shirt, since i can wear to works. that's what my friend suggested to me. New thing for me, new experience...
today went to KLCC, i did not notice i was kena BOMB from sky. aiks... lucky i was wearing helmat with face protection and jackets. if not, i dare not thinks of it. some more i'm wearing England jessy.
tomolo, i will know when i'm going to start works and i will be free until Jan. Back hometown for a rest, find as many friends as i can. and will come out on 30 Dec and preparing for my works.
ACCA class is going to start soon. fee needed to pay for it. $$$ all is about money.
some more CNY is coming, thinks of what kind of cloths want to buy? Formal shirt for CNY? save money, do not need to buy others kind of shirt, since i can wear to works. that's what my friend suggested to me. New thing for me, new experience...
Monday, December 19, 2005
another fren today attended big4 interview and she get the offer on the spot... will start working soon...
so nice, everyone able to works without much thinking. while i thinks so much on which firm to join. rejected 1st one, then confirm, then reject... now left 2. 1 is need to reply tomolo and another 1 have to wait for result.
just now brought 1 formal pant, i use my Maybank card to pay, whose know it can not process damm ! kena rejected... i have to use cash to pay for it. lucky my purse got sufficient cash, if not...i dare not thinks about it... Really have to complain to Maybank about this...!
so nice, everyone able to works without much thinking. while i thinks so much on which firm to join. rejected 1st one, then confirm, then reject... now left 2. 1 is need to reply tomolo and another 1 have to wait for result.
just now brought 1 formal pant, i use my Maybank card to pay, whose know it can not process damm ! kena rejected... i have to use cash to pay for it. lucky my purse got sufficient cash, if not...i dare not thinks about it... Really have to complain to Maybank about this...!
it's seem i finally have a choice. that is M.Row. i just now called my senior in tarc last time, he know more about M.R. compared to PF since his girl friend is working there. he also got friends working at PF, n finally he can give some information about PF.
now my headache settled. all now i have to do is waiting call from BO. hope they can call me tomorrow since i have to give M.R. answer tomolo. aiks...
BO, BO when u going to reply me? if i call tomolo dun knwo whether they able to give me answer? hope so...
Good Luck Vin Ann
now my headache settled. all now i have to do is waiting call from BO. hope they can call me tomorrow since i have to give M.R. answer tomolo. aiks...
BO, BO when u going to reply me? if i call tomolo dun knwo whether they able to give me answer? hope so...
Good Luck Vin Ann
a much busy life await me in front of me. Peak period is coming. every one is start working already, while i'm will be like many others friends soon.
Sunday, what a busy day for me. morning, we played futsal, with all my coursemate that we used to play during our study last time, meet them back really happy. the topic we discuss is change, now is all about career, how is the audit in small firm etc... we had lunch together after finished playing.
evening 4 to 6pm i played badminton with friends again. another gang of friends. this time, almost all of them are working in big4, and some is medium firm, totally from friends this morning just now.
we have diner together after that. back at home, i took bath and came out to KLCC to buy black shoe for myself. there is SALE going on at Isetan. some shoes are 50% discount. i brought a new shoe, 50% less... so much saving i can saved if compared buy at normal time. at first i like the shoe so much as is so comfortable when wearing it, but it do not have my size, finished lioa. so sad. i keep trying shoe... the style not nice, too expensive, out of my budget, all kind of factors keep me walking around that corner. Finally i come to the 1 which the style is ok, price is good and it's got my size! horey! finally i got a new black shoe! haha after that i thought of buying shirts and pants also as it got 50% discount but it's still too expensive. all is branded G2000.
Back at home, i went to find friends talking about how their works. many works and so busy. since i'm might joining his firm, better ask him more thing about the firm...
back at home, it's already 12am. Ops...i forget to wish my friend who is birthday on 18. now already 19 lioa... sent a sms to her, but dint get any reply. dont know she get my sms o not.
It's Arsenal Vs Chealse match. 2 giant football club meet together.
Sunday, what a busy day for me. morning, we played futsal, with all my coursemate that we used to play during our study last time, meet them back really happy. the topic we discuss is change, now is all about career, how is the audit in small firm etc... we had lunch together after finished playing.
evening 4 to 6pm i played badminton with friends again. another gang of friends. this time, almost all of them are working in big4, and some is medium firm, totally from friends this morning just now.
we have diner together after that. back at home, i took bath and came out to KLCC to buy black shoe for myself. there is SALE going on at Isetan. some shoes are 50% discount. i brought a new shoe, 50% less... so much saving i can saved if compared buy at normal time. at first i like the shoe so much as is so comfortable when wearing it, but it do not have my size, finished lioa. so sad. i keep trying shoe... the style not nice, too expensive, out of my budget, all kind of factors keep me walking around that corner. Finally i come to the 1 which the style is ok, price is good and it's got my size! horey! finally i got a new black shoe! haha after that i thought of buying shirts and pants also as it got 50% discount but it's still too expensive. all is branded G2000.
Back at home, i went to find friends talking about how their works. many works and so busy. since i'm might joining his firm, better ask him more thing about the firm...
back at home, it's already 12am. Ops...i forget to wish my friend who is birthday on 18. now already 19 lioa... sent a sms to her, but dint get any reply. dont know she get my sms o not.
It's Arsenal Vs Chealse match. 2 giant football club meet together.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
just now went to SS2 find fren yam cha, on the way to there it's raining and i still keep continue my journey to there via Pencala Link. when reached there i looking around for the place my fren told me. it's raining again. i'm so desprerate to find that place. i want to give up and just went home.
then my fren sms said can not make it on time have to delay 1 hour. aiks, i'm almost reached there soon and it's raining i got no place to stop. i give up, i sms my fren say i suddenly got thing need to go can not make it.
while on the way back home, i received 2 sms from my fren, it said she can make it early. ai... this sms was sent half hour ago and i just received it. again i dissapointed with HOTLINK services. why cant it provide efficient services leh...
anyway, i'm decided to find my fren soon...
then my fren sms said can not make it on time have to delay 1 hour. aiks, i'm almost reached there soon and it's raining i got no place to stop. i give up, i sms my fren say i suddenly got thing need to go can not make it.
while on the way back home, i received 2 sms from my fren, it said she can make it early. ai... this sms was sent half hour ago and i just received it. again i dissapointed with HOTLINK services. why cant it provide efficient services leh...
anyway, i'm decided to find my fren soon...
Friday, December 16, 2005
i thought i had decided which route to take and confirm and finally can put down my big rock in my heart. it is not the case, it is just the beginning of the most difficult process i have to go through in these few days.
today,get calls from MR and PF both offer me job. While MR is arrange for the second meeting discussing about the employment, and PF wanted me to give them asnwer by this afternoon. i was worry and i asked a lots of friends and relative... but finally it come back to me to decide which to join.
much thinks about it, i decided to confirm with PF meaning i have to reject MR n others. when i called MR to reject the job offer, the HR seem know well in handling my rejection. She even talk how good is her company compared to the 1 i decided to join. Bigger, more exposure, friendly staff, have tarcian, techinical training provided, and lots more. She asked me to re-considered the firm. aiks, after listen to this, my decision made afternoon seem goyang-goyang. She talked like his company is much better than PF...
next week, dun know how the result of the BD. if i really get it, then both these 2 firm can forget lioa...
today,get calls from MR and PF both offer me job. While MR is arrange for the second meeting discussing about the employment, and PF wanted me to give them asnwer by this afternoon. i was worry and i asked a lots of friends and relative... but finally it come back to me to decide which to join.
much thinks about it, i decided to confirm with PF meaning i have to reject MR n others. when i called MR to reject the job offer, the HR seem know well in handling my rejection. She even talk how good is her company compared to the 1 i decided to join. Bigger, more exposure, friendly staff, have tarcian, techinical training provided, and lots more. She asked me to re-considered the firm. aiks, after listen to this, my decision made afternoon seem goyang-goyang. She talked like his company is much better than PF...
next week, dun know how the result of the BD. if i really get it, then both these 2 firm can forget lioa...
Thursday, December 15, 2005
today give myself a treat, went to KLCC watch KingKong. it is a 3hours n 20 minutes movie. quite long. this movie is quite good to watch, it's funny, a few surprise, and also kejam in some sense.
back to home, my housemate said Astro kena Cut already! come, i got paid the bills. later i called to customer services to complain... rupanya, i got some amount which is outstanding for 60days...dammm, now seem every company is using the same prinsiple... 1 months arrears bring forward to second month already kena cut... my phone kena cut not long geram nia... today i planned to watch from 8pm until 11pm, but now it already astro to watch... my KungFu Hustle gone.. ai...
after that i called PXC to ask about my application. they said now do not have any intake for audit position, if you interested you can apply online for tax consultant which there will be an interview held around 22 Dec... audit position only will be vacant on March next year...
i feel wired for the whole evening, my phone not rang. until 7.00pm i suddenly got lots of SMS! and 1 sms indicate that i have 9 missed call from the same numbers... Ah... will it be any audit firm call me ? offering me? o what? hotlink really make me mad!! this is not the 1st time happen to me! it's already few time. hope this missed call would not cost me much...
YH asked me to play badminton at Wangsa Square...i immediately went there to play... 2 hours... what a nice exercise.
back to home, my housemate said Astro kena Cut already! come, i got paid the bills. later i called to customer services to complain... rupanya, i got some amount which is outstanding for 60days...dammm, now seem every company is using the same prinsiple... 1 months arrears bring forward to second month already kena cut... my phone kena cut not long geram nia... today i planned to watch from 8pm until 11pm, but now it already astro to watch... my KungFu Hustle gone.. ai...
after that i called PXC to ask about my application. they said now do not have any intake for audit position, if you interested you can apply online for tax consultant which there will be an interview held around 22 Dec... audit position only will be vacant on March next year...
i feel wired for the whole evening, my phone not rang. until 7.00pm i suddenly got lots of SMS! and 1 sms indicate that i have 9 missed call from the same numbers... Ah... will it be any audit firm call me ? offering me? o what? hotlink really make me mad!! this is not the 1st time happen to me! it's already few time. hope this missed call would not cost me much...
YH asked me to play badminton at Wangsa Square...i immediately went there to play... 2 hours... what a nice exercise.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
my last interview... with P...
i went in with relax mood, din expect much from the firm... whose know it really impress me. should say is the design is good in the receptions...
the form i filled in got lots of questions... feeling not easy to enter this firm... i also wonder this time what kind of technical question will be ask... it really out of my expectation...
List in summary about 3 MASB that you familiar with in point form... huh? i already give back my MASB to lecturer since the day finished my ACCA core exam June ago... it's really killing me...
i went in with relax mood, din expect much from the firm... whose know it really impress me. should say is the design is good in the receptions...
the form i filled in got lots of questions... feeling not easy to enter this firm... i also wonder this time what kind of technical question will be ask... it really out of my expectation...
List in summary about 3 MASB that you familiar with in point form... huh? i already give back my MASB to lecturer since the day finished my ACCA core exam June ago... it's really killing me...
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
satisfaction with the interview...
1st wrote an's quite hard... dun know what to write just write whatever i can thinks of...
then role playing, i speaks quite lots in the meeting and i satisfaction with my idea... but somehow i din express all my points... abit regret...
finally 2 to 1 interview... it's quite ok... this time didnt have technical question... asking my background... and normal questions...
really hope i can get this firm... how long i have to wait for the asnwer?
just now mum, uncle called asking when i'm going to start works... should i confirm with the previous firm 1st, then only quite if i got this firm? aiks...
uncle's house have BBQ and he ask me to bring GF! where i got GF now wo... aiks... then he said bring fake 1... but where to find leh... some more his house is in Sg Long... suddenly i feel resistance going to my uncle house...
1st wrote an's quite hard... dun know what to write just write whatever i can thinks of...
then role playing, i speaks quite lots in the meeting and i satisfaction with my idea... but somehow i din express all my points... abit regret...
finally 2 to 1 interview... it's quite ok... this time didnt have technical question... asking my background... and normal questions...
really hope i can get this firm... how long i have to wait for the asnwer?
just now mum, uncle called asking when i'm going to start works... should i confirm with the previous firm 1st, then only quite if i got this firm? aiks...
uncle's house have BBQ and he ask me to bring GF! where i got GF now wo... aiks... then he said bring fake 1... but where to find leh... some more his house is in Sg Long... suddenly i feel resistance going to my uncle house...
Monday, December 12, 2005
interview today with rowland... easy questions at first. all about me... she follow the application form and ask from there... when it come to experience, which i have 3 months training, she ask what form is in stat audit? form 24 and 49, these 2 form i only can recall... quite for a few second... aiks...really not doing well...
night, i talk to goadon via skype... wo... it so great... no lag at all. but he heard abit lag on his side... this maybe due to my computer speed... which is just Pentium 2 nia... while talking, my PC become slow...i can not do anything else... aisk... so dissapointed...
sunddenly feel how important to have a more powerful PC... but my PC now is ok for normal usage... buy another new PC make this redundance... since i not always chat with friends using skype... aiks... really conflicting !
night, i talk to goadon via skype... wo... it so great... no lag at all. but he heard abit lag on his side... this maybe due to my computer speed... which is just Pentium 2 nia... while talking, my PC become slow...i can not do anything else... aisk... so dissapointed...
sunddenly feel how important to have a more powerful PC... but my PC now is ok for normal usage... buy another new PC make this redundance... since i not always chat with friends using skype... aiks... really conflicting !
Saturday, December 10, 2005
night life in KL
stay at home for whole day so bored, i decided to go out to KL city centre. it was 10.30pm.
at jln tun razak i looked at KLCC from far... the building so great, you never get bored with it. i was thinking which place is the most strategic place to watch the fireworks... thinking about it... since the Christmas and new year is coming...can watch the fireworks soon...
then i ride along Jln Tun Razak.... dont know where to go... just take a exit at Bulatan Kg. Pandan. Ride motor without destination... see junction then just turn. Then i came to tmn maluri JayaJasco, the main road so jamm..."Cheras famous for the traffic jamm"... suddenly i thinks of it from somewhere, cant recall lioa...
My friends in forum told me that Cheras not far from JJ there got 1 Hawker centre call "Bu YeH Tian" got lots of stall and nice food, so i went to find it. it's located jln Cheras about 500m before reach JJ from jln Pudu direction. it's really big, but i got no intention to stop have supper... just passby and continue my lepak...
i just ride along the jln Cheras main road then jln Pudu, and without notice, i reached Pudu Jail...and Time near. it very jamm at jln Imbi... i turn into it and to jln sultan ismail... very jamm in front of Sg Wang... along the jln sultan ismail it smooth after passby the traffic light of jln bukit bintang as everyone is turn into jln bukit bintang.
i turn into jln P.Ramli which is part of it famous with night life... clubbing. Waiting at the traffic light, i can feel the rock music, very strong... i thinks i will not go to this kind of places for a long period as it is a high consumption places...along that road, got lots of people...dressed up sexy and nice for the clubbing...
now KLCC is so near...i turn into jln Ampang towards jln sultan ismail again. Passby Zouk, the very funny building design which is the most high class among other clubbing places... look from outside, it is quite... i thinks they put much effort in sound prove system...
where is my next destination? im thinking... back home lioa? oh yeah... High Court Kuala Lumpur or Padang Merdeka. the road in front of High Court is close to traffic and there are a lots of people gather at there... most of them are with motor... they park along the both road side... feel like they are waiting something to happen and see. looks at glance, i'm sure almost 99% is malay...
on the other hand, the High Court building damm nice...the lighting effect... just like the disneyland paris building i saw at night... i never appreciate it last time... i will bring my camera with tripod next time to take picture... 1 day this day will arrive...
after that, i take jln raja laut back home, no more places i wanted to go since my punggung is getting hurt sit for too long. wo, the tree is full with lights... so nice... dont know since when the DBKL put up the lights start from the DBKL building until junction between jln raja laut and jln sultan amazing the lighting...
Bored Saturday night turn out to become unexpected night...
at jln tun razak i looked at KLCC from far... the building so great, you never get bored with it. i was thinking which place is the most strategic place to watch the fireworks... thinking about it... since the Christmas and new year is coming...can watch the fireworks soon...
then i ride along Jln Tun Razak.... dont know where to go... just take a exit at Bulatan Kg. Pandan. Ride motor without destination... see junction then just turn. Then i came to tmn maluri JayaJasco, the main road so jamm..."Cheras famous for the traffic jamm"... suddenly i thinks of it from somewhere, cant recall lioa...
My friends in forum told me that Cheras not far from JJ there got 1 Hawker centre call "Bu YeH Tian" got lots of stall and nice food, so i went to find it. it's located jln Cheras about 500m before reach JJ from jln Pudu direction. it's really big, but i got no intention to stop have supper... just passby and continue my lepak...
i just ride along the jln Cheras main road then jln Pudu, and without notice, i reached Pudu Jail...and Time near. it very jamm at jln Imbi... i turn into it and to jln sultan ismail... very jamm in front of Sg Wang... along the jln sultan ismail it smooth after passby the traffic light of jln bukit bintang as everyone is turn into jln bukit bintang.
i turn into jln P.Ramli which is part of it famous with night life... clubbing. Waiting at the traffic light, i can feel the rock music, very strong... i thinks i will not go to this kind of places for a long period as it is a high consumption places...along that road, got lots of people...dressed up sexy and nice for the clubbing...
now KLCC is so near...i turn into jln Ampang towards jln sultan ismail again. Passby Zouk, the very funny building design which is the most high class among other clubbing places... look from outside, it is quite... i thinks they put much effort in sound prove system...
where is my next destination? im thinking... back home lioa? oh yeah... High Court Kuala Lumpur or Padang Merdeka. the road in front of High Court is close to traffic and there are a lots of people gather at there... most of them are with motor... they park along the both road side... feel like they are waiting something to happen and see. looks at glance, i'm sure almost 99% is malay...
on the other hand, the High Court building damm nice...the lighting effect... just like the disneyland paris building i saw at night... i never appreciate it last time... i will bring my camera with tripod next time to take picture... 1 day this day will arrive...
after that, i take jln raja laut back home, no more places i wanted to go since my punggung is getting hurt sit for too long. wo, the tree is full with lights... so nice... dont know since when the DBKL put up the lights start from the DBKL building until junction between jln raja laut and jln sultan amazing the lighting...
Bored Saturday night turn out to become unexpected night...
O型 魔羯座
O型魔羯座,是腳踏實地的人,他們一步接一步走向自己既定 的目標。若是一般人也許就會放棄辛苦的工作,可是你卻毫無怨言,默默地完成任何艱辛的工作。
這類型的人對逆境有限強的忍耐力,無論處境如何艱難,無論挫 折如何艱辛,他們都能在逆境繼續奮鬥。他們不會在口頭上堅持自己的主張,而是用實際的行動來傳達他們的意見。他們努力不懈,直到他人完全接受他們的建議。
所以,中規中矩的O型魔羯座,都能獲得周圍的人之信賴。只 要他們點頭答應的事,即使是『上刀山、下油鍋』,他們都會完成自己所承諾的事。
O型魔羯座,是腳踏實地的人,他們一步接一步走向自己既定 的目標。若是一般人也許就會放棄辛苦的工作,可是你卻毫無怨言,默默地完成任何艱辛的工作。
這類型的人對逆境有限強的忍耐力,無論處境如何艱難,無論挫 折如何艱辛,他們都能在逆境繼續奮鬥。他們不會在口頭上堅持自己的主張,而是用實際的行動來傳達他們的意見。他們努力不懈,直到他人完全接受他們的建議。
所以,中規中矩的O型魔羯座,都能獲得周圍的人之信賴。只 要他們點頭答應的事,即使是『上刀山、下油鍋』,他們都會完成自己所承諾的事。
Letter to Santa
Dear Santa,
So far this year I have been:
I am a lot older this year. When you select my gifts, please remember I am:
So far this year I have been:
- very good all of the time.
- good most of the time.
- good a lot of the time.
- well, not very good lately.
I am a lot older this year. When you select my gifts, please remember I am:
- 4 or younger
- 5-10
- 11-15
- 16-20
- 20 and above but still a kid at heart.
Here is what I wanted most. Please do your best!
Here are some MORE things I want. Do your best, Santa!
- less temper
- considerate
- adorable
- smiles from her
I want to tell you what I am doing, or thinking.
- I always try to be cheerful, but I can't when I am disappointed.
- When I don't talk, I hope someone can actually start the conversation and break the ice.
- Instant noodles taste good, but not when I am eating alone.
- Home alone is scary.
Thanks Santa. I promise to be a good boy next year and not hurting anyone I love.
Bye bye.
Vin Ann
people came one by one... first is 1 big tall guy. second, a couple come...a regular visitor of my house, then finally comes 3 gals who very lousy...
they all come here because of my housemate who hurt because of snaft thief... they come and chat with my housemate while i'm in the loud...
raining outside, sleep for a while feel very good!
they all come here because of my housemate who hurt because of snaft thief... they come and chat with my housemate while i'm in the loud...
raining outside, sleep for a while feel very good!
my housemate come back with wounds... he was sitting at the back of motor and kena snatched bag from behind by 2 motorist and he fight back... at last he falls down from motor and get hurt... worse, his teeth are broken... aiks...
this happen at the Danau Kota, near Nasi Kandar there... i was thinking i used to use that road last time, how lucky i'm.
in future have to be more careful, thinking of buying some perkakas to put in the motor basket like rantai besi... i got this idea when i saw a motorist was kacau by an insant pengemis at traffic light junction between jln TAR and jln Sultan Ismail...the motorist quicky took his rantai besi in his basket which is very big and hit the pengemis... wo... that must be very hurt leh... this is a good defence for myself in case anything happen. girls you should also prepare yourself...
becuase of this incident, i can not get my rents from him... he used up for his medical fee... aiks... have to wait for few more days... now already 10th, i still have not bank in the money to the owner yet...
hope everything will be fine soon!
this happen at the Danau Kota, near Nasi Kandar there... i was thinking i used to use that road last time, how lucky i'm.
in future have to be more careful, thinking of buying some perkakas to put in the motor basket like rantai besi... i got this idea when i saw a motorist was kacau by an insant pengemis at traffic light junction between jln TAR and jln Sultan Ismail...the motorist quicky took his rantai besi in his basket which is very big and hit the pengemis... wo... that must be very hurt leh... this is a good defence for myself in case anything happen. girls you should also prepare yourself...
becuase of this incident, i can not get my rents from him... he used up for his medical fee... aiks... have to wait for few more days... now already 10th, i still have not bank in the money to the owner yet...
hope everything will be fine soon!
my heart suddenly slash into 2 after heart that... i dont know why i can feel like that since it is not related with me! ai... is it i thinks too much? day dreaming ? wake up... is time to wake up dont sleep too much... be realistic...
im struggle whether i wanted to express my feel here or not... write o dont write?
what happen to you... people only meet you twice nia leh... ai...
to be continue...
im struggle whether i wanted to express my feel here or not... write o dont write?
what happen to you... people only meet you twice nia leh... ai...
to be continue...
Thursday, December 08, 2005
customer service
these last few days helping uncles... and sent document to insurance company...
MAA. i went to MAA menara at Jln Dewan Bahasa there... i hate the environment... it's lighting not bright enough...less people making enquiry and the customer service is not friendly... the counter design i hated the most... it's tall and i have to stand for the whole enquiry while waiting for the staff do they works...
Great Eastern, i'm liked it... the main door have Chritmas's light very nice... the customer services are friendly, and i can sit in front of the customer service while make enquiry... same level face by face...
on the other hand, i called few insurance company customer services...
MAA not so friendly...and the waiting song is damm lound...
Hong leong Assurance is ok... but the song played while waiting is damm funny...
Prudential Assurance the waiting song is english chanel radio...forget is whic hradio station...
Grest Eastern i feel still the best... customer service polite... i liked it...
By the way, i'm Great Eastern supporter... haha...
MAA. i went to MAA menara at Jln Dewan Bahasa there... i hate the environment... it's lighting not bright enough...less people making enquiry and the customer service is not friendly... the counter design i hated the most... it's tall and i have to stand for the whole enquiry while waiting for the staff do they works...
Great Eastern, i'm liked it... the main door have Chritmas's light very nice... the customer services are friendly, and i can sit in front of the customer service while make enquiry... same level face by face...
on the other hand, i called few insurance company customer services...
MAA not so friendly...and the waiting song is damm lound...
Hong leong Assurance is ok... but the song played while waiting is damm funny...
Prudential Assurance the waiting song is english chanel radio...forget is whic hradio station...
Grest Eastern i feel still the best... customer service polite... i liked it...
By the way, i'm Great Eastern supporter... haha...
i never expect it would replied me my complaint mail sent via e mail... althought it got the speed to reply my complaint but it din slove my problems... my phone service was cut...and i paid my bill yesterday and they promise will resume my service within 24 hours.
now 24 hours had past, my phone still not working can not make out-going calls... just can received in-coming calls... the reply suggested me sent mail to report breaks down...and i done it report online... my phone ring and some1 talking 4025xxxx numbers... what the hell it is... i'm thinking... rupanya is telekom to confirm my phone is not working... and he will report to counter tommorow... another efficient reply...
amazingly my streamyx still can use although my phone service was cut... i thinks this is the improvement of telekom over months...and they also efficient in cutting service... i thought i can delay my payment 1 months...whose knwo the customer services said any outstanding amount bring into 2nd month will be cut...that why i kena...
now 24 hours had past, my phone still not working can not make out-going calls... just can received in-coming calls... the reply suggested me sent mail to report breaks down...and i done it report online... my phone ring and some1 talking 4025xxxx numbers... what the hell it is... i'm thinking... rupanya is telekom to confirm my phone is not working... and he will report to counter tommorow... another efficient reply...
amazingly my streamyx still can use although my phone service was cut... i thinks this is the improvement of telekom over months...and they also efficient in cutting service... i thought i can delay my payment 1 months...whose knwo the customer services said any outstanding amount bring into 2nd month will be cut...that why i kena...
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
last week whole week doing nothing... just waiting calls from firm... so bored... and mum keep asking what are you doing here... 2 day 1 call...
but for this week, i liked it... although it not yet finish.
on sunday, i and my friend kai went to one Utama TGV watch free movie Zathura...
then at evening me,kai, jac,hon, and eve were playing badminton at tmn melati... really long time din play badminton...and it's great... we will play badminton every sunday 4-6pm!
monday...i went coll to collect my transcrit... sent out some application to medium firm...
tuesday, i go to my uncle place there helping helper while i'm waiting for my call for interview... at 9.42am, my hp was RSM calling m for interview... so happy i'm! Finally got call for interview lioa...
i finished my things told by uncle and went back home at 5pm...
my fren P was attending EY's interview for her internship next sem... she said EY asking so many questions to her...make her feel difficults...
preparing for my interview...
wednesday my day have come... 9am. i reach the firm there about 8.40am and i was asked to filled in form...and after that waiting for interview...
my interview at 1st ws smooths... some questions i cant thinks of the answer to reply... just silent...
after the interview feel quite dissapointed with myself... my 1st worse interview...
but for this week, i liked it... although it not yet finish.
on sunday, i and my friend kai went to one Utama TGV watch free movie Zathura...
then at evening me,kai, jac,hon, and eve were playing badminton at tmn melati... really long time din play badminton...and it's great... we will play badminton every sunday 4-6pm!
monday...i went coll to collect my transcrit... sent out some application to medium firm...
tuesday, i go to my uncle place there helping helper while i'm waiting for my call for interview... at 9.42am, my hp was RSM calling m for interview... so happy i'm! Finally got call for interview lioa...
i finished my things told by uncle and went back home at 5pm...
my fren P was attending EY's interview for her internship next sem... she said EY asking so many questions to her...make her feel difficults...
preparing for my interview...
wednesday my day have come... 9am. i reach the firm there about 8.40am and i was asked to filled in form...and after that waiting for interview...
my interview at 1st ws smooths... some questions i cant thinks of the answer to reply... just silent...
after the interview feel quite dissapointed with myself... my 1st worse interview...
Sunday, November 27, 2005

Nearer scene, taken at beside The Binjai Condominium... I found out that The Binjai Condo is facing directly with the Petronas Twin Tower... how nice if i got chance to visit one of the condo unit there!

The Petronas Twin Tower, Malaysia... my home country.
taken with hand, that why the picture is abit shake...

Saturday, November 26, 2005
some how i really mad at myself... i'm not very good at express myself... give answer that can not satisfy people... then kena stamp SELFISH... ai...
so pity me!
so pity me!
Thursday, November 24, 2005

Man-made beach in the city... how great it is... it last time was a port, due to organising the Olyampic Games 1992, they shift the port to else where and made this beach...
hot whether but the sea water is COLD! very cold... guess what...this beach also is a Naked Beach! haha...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005
iTune's Radio
discovered new thing unintentional...
last night i downloaded QuickTime from Apple's website...
i downlod this software because i need this software to play video clips which taken from my friend's digicam...
i do not notice the QuickTime is come with iTune Apple's music player just like winamp... so i open iTune to try...i do not have AAC's file or any song that i can play on it.
i tried the Radio functions... and it's COOL! i love it.
last night i downloaded QuickTime from Apple's website...
i downlod this software because i need this software to play video clips which taken from my friend's digicam...
i do not notice the QuickTime is come with iTune Apple's music player just like winamp... so i open iTune to try...i do not have AAC's file or any song that i can play on it.
i tried the Radio functions... and it's COOL! i love it.
Monday, November 21, 2005

Sagrada Familiar by Antoni Gaudi...
this building as you can see it is still on the construction...
this building is estimated need about 25 years to build by hand...
according to my bicycle tour guide's opinion, it might take estimated 200 years to finished the building. This is becuase only 40 workers who working on it and amazingly the job is passed from father to son, son to grandson...!

Thursday, November 17, 2005
heavy hand and heart
my CV is done.
and the cover letter also... is time to sent out...
but i feel like dont want to sent out so fast... keep delaying...
on the other side, my mum keep asking me how is my progress...
she ask me to
call cousin who works in medium firm b4...
call uncle who is accountant now...
call uncle who is staying in KL...
my uncle got suggested me that i back to old firm which i training last time as they now very busy... and at the same time, i wait reply from other firm... if got any better opportunity, then cabut...
and the cover letter also... is time to sent out...
but i feel like dont want to sent out so fast... keep delaying...
on the other side, my mum keep asking me how is my progress...
she ask me to
call cousin who works in medium firm b4...
call uncle who is accountant now...
call uncle who is staying in KL...
my uncle got suggested me that i back to old firm which i training last time as they now very busy... and at the same time, i wait reply from other firm... if got any better opportunity, then cabut...
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

1st day

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